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5. Question Time

4. One Blonde to Another

3. A K-Pop story

2. Parallels

1. The Drafting Board

Parallels: Question Time

avatar on 2024-09-16 11:47:16

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Gi turned to Holly who was wearing the same outfit as the other member of the girl group and asked. “How does the outfit feel?”

“Like it was made for me.“ Came Holly’s reply.

“Did you ever wonder what it would be like to be part of a band like Peace Blossom? You can tell me One Blonde to another.” Gi asked her.

“I had never given it much thought before, but it must be exciting to be on stage performing with the rest of Peace Blossom,” Holly told her.

The members of Peace Blossom (apart from Gi) continued to hug her. “Oh, Holly you are one of us,” They said in unison.

Holly thought that she was misunderstanding them and simply replied “I am one of you” with a confused look on her face. She hoped that someone would well Gi in this case as she had a better command of English than the rest of the group. She certainly knew Korean better than Holly did. However, the explanation was not forthcoming.

Gi sat down in the chic high fashion outfit she had borrowed from Holly turned to Holly who was still wearing the Peace Blossom outfit and asked. “Why don’t we have some fun I will ask you the questions you had for me and you try and answer them as if you are me.”

“Okay, I will try,” Holly said unaware that she was matching the tone that Gi had used when she had when she had asked the question.

“So how did it feel growing up looking so different to the children around you?” Gi asked Holly

“Strange at first but I got used to it after a while,” Holly answered looking around at the members of Peace Blossom (apart from Gi) who now sat beside her wearing matching outfits to the one she was wearing. They seemed excited to hear the questions that Gi was asking Holly.

This made her feel as if she was a part of the band even though she knew she wasn’t. It was she had suddenly gained three new sisters as the three young women seemed genuinely interested in what she was doing. She had not been in contact with her younger sister for a few months and she had missed the feeling of being around her family. She made up her mind that once the filming for today was over she would call her sister to see how she was doing but for now her temporary younger sisters made her feel part of a family again.

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