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4. One Blonde to Another

3. A K-Pop story

2. Parallels

1. The Drafting Board

Parallels: One Blonde to Another

avatar on 2024-09-16 11:42:13

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Holly, froze as she noticed the door to the room opening. She prepared to explain to the band management who were very protective of the girls why she was dressed the way she was. When the door opened fully revealing when Gi standing in the doorway. Gi walked into the room, she was wearing Holly's chic high-fashion ensemble that Holly had worn that morning. Gi looked directly at Holly and uttered the phrase that she had used several times that day.

"One Blonde to another," as the smile on her face began to broaden

Holly was about to ask her why she was wearing clothes when. Gi said to Holly.

“I thought it would be fun. If I borrowed your outfit You know one Blonde to another.”

Holly looked down at the outfit that she was wearing that belonged to Gi but at least she had the owner's permission she thought. However, instead of saying anything about Gi taking her clothes without asking her, she found herself saying the same phrase as Gi had used.

“One Blonde to another”

The smile on Gi ‘s ‘face grew even wider than it had been earlier. Somehow this made Holly feel uneasy as she looked towards the young woman in front of her.

“The only thing missing from your outfit is the shoes that go with that outfit.” Gi Informed Holly still wearing the band outfit that she was wearing.

“This is what you gave me to wear before you put on that outfit,” Holly told her.

“Then we are both wearing the wrong shoes why don’t you put on the shoes that go with that outfit and I will put on the ones that go with this one,” Gi told her as she handed Holly the shoes she was talking about as she put on the shoes that matched the chic high fashion outfit she was now wearing.

“Will they fit?” Holly asked

“I am sure they will fit you just fine. I mean it's just one blonde to another.” Gi answered.

“Why not? One Blonde to another.” Holly now found herself saying not sure why she had done so.

Holly noticed that the other three members of Peace Blossom were now wearing matching outfits to the one she was wearing. Once she had finished putting on the shoes that Gi had given, she saw that the outfit was complete. Not sure why having the full outfit on seemed to relax her for some reason.

The girls who made up Peace Blossom (apart from Gi) rushed to hug her. For some reason Gi stood back a little “You are one of us.” They said in unison.

“I am one of you now.” Came the reply from Holly with a smile on her face.

Gi who had now completed her new outfit (the one that Holly had been wearing when she had entered the room earlier) by placing the shoes on her feet said quietly.

“You are one of them now why wouldn’t you be.”

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