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7. Jonnie wishes her two enemies

6. Sarah and Nicole have a privat

5. Jonnie and Sarah's cafeteria c

4. Jonnie's Alpha B Week: Day One

3. Alpha Bitch

2. TVtropes

1. You Are What You Wish

Jonnie's Alpha B Week: Meet Seth and Nick

on 2024-09-13 21:12:07
Episode last modified by Christine L. on 2024-09-13 21:18:11

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Jonnie looked in the mirror and smiled evilly. She was proud of the idea she had just come up with. This idea would ensure that Sarah and Nicole would not be taking her spot away. With an evil grin, she said "I wish Sarah McMillan and Nicole Tiller were boys!"

The stone glowed, indicating the wish was granted. And as it did, the spaghetti mess on Jonnie's face, hair, and clothes disappeared as if it was never there. Jonnie's smile grew as she realized what that meant. She knew how the stone worked. It altered reality, and anyone who didn't hear the wish would believe the changes had been the way things always were.

No one would be getting detention for the incident in the cafeteria. No one would be getting kicked off the cheerleading squad. For the incident now never happened.

Jonnie placed the stone back into her purse and strolled out of the bathroom confidently. She looked around, and wondered whether she saw someone duck back into the cafeteria, or if it was her imagination.

She quickly put it out of her mind, satisfied with herself. As a boy, and someone who'd always believed himself to be a boy, Sarah would never be 'queen bee' of anything again, and would certainly never challenge Jonnie for her title again. This was a neat solution.

She noticed two boys coming in from the field. Both of them looked pretty athletic, as if they kept themselves in good shape. They had to at least do a lot of gymnastics.

One was a good looking young man with short blond hair. The other was a tall young man with short brown hair. Jonnie smiled, as she realized these were male versions of Sarah McMillan and Nicole Tiller.

"Hey, Jonnie!" the blond boy who used to be Sarah called out. "Is cheerleading practice still on? I'm kind of wondering because of the weather reports."

"There's still a 53 percent chance of rain." the guy who used to be Nicole added. "And right now, the sky's looking a bit cloudy."

"Don't worry. It's still on." Jonnie said. "Even if we have to practice indoors. Are you going to be there?"

"Wouldn't miss it!" the guy who used to be Sarah said.

Jonnie smiled. Neither of the two boys appeared to have any memories of who they used to be, nor any intentions of questioning her position as head cheerleader. The only problem was, she didn't know their names. At least, she didn't know their first names.

"That's great! McMillan, Tiller, I hope you'll have front row seats!"

The blond boy looked a bit confused. "Aren't we on first name terms? You usually call me Seth."

"Oh, sorry." Jonnie said. "I guess I was speaking as head cheerleader. You know how the leaders sometimes refer to people by their last names. I sometimes call Tiffany 'Sanders'."

"Well, you can call me Nick." said the brown haired boy.

"Okay, Nick." Jonnie said, smiling a charming smile that the boys always liked. Seth and Nick smiled back at her.

Now she had two new boys who had fallen for her charms. Seth and Nick would clearly not be giving her any trouble. Just the opposite.

It occurred to her, however, that she was not sure just what Seth and Nick's involvement in the school's extra curricular activities was. Were they jocks, male cheerleaders (in which case they'd be Lake Point's first since she got here), or something else?

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