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4. Jonnie's Alpha B Week: Day One

3. Alpha Bitch

2. TVtropes

1. You Are What You Wish

Jonnie's Alpha B Week: Day One

on 2024-09-13 14:21:49
Episode last modified by Christine L. on 2024-09-13 14:22:46

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Just outside the front entrance of Lake Point High School, everyone turned to watch Jonnie Gibson, the most popular but also the meanest girl in Lake Point High School, make her power walk to the school, walking confidently toward the building as if she owned it.

She shoved aside the overweight nerd Leonard Drullers casually, saying "Out of the way, loser.", and glared at the shy thin girl Kyla Leeson who quickly turned away from her. She was followed eagerly by her toadies: her cheerleader squad members Tiffany Sanders, Melissa Smith, Amber Levine, and Jessica Davis, and the admiring boy toys: Biff Meadows, Steve "The Stud Farber", and Ted Manley from the football team, plus Freddy Franklin and Zach Jones who were boys who had a huge crush on her.

Nearby, Sarah McMillan glared at Jonnie and her entourage with clear bitterness.

Karyn Black, meanwhile, just sighed and turned to her closest male friend Tim Brant. "So Sarah's been replaced by another stuck up bitch. What do boys like them see in girls like Jonnie and Sarah?"

"I don't know. They're very attractive, but their attitude..." Tim stopped there. "You know, if Sarah hadn't been so mean, I'd almost feel sorry for her. She's learned the hard way that being the queen of high school doesn't last."

Karyn sighed. "I'd feel better about Sarah getting hers if it didn't mean that someone just as mean as her, if not worse, took her place."

Because Jon was alone when he made that wish causing the next trope he randomly browsed on TV Tropes to apply to him for the next week, neither Karyn nor Tim remembered their close friend Jon Gibson, and only remembered Jonnie Gibson, the new Alpha Bitch of Lake Point High School.

"It's a bummer, but what are you going to do about it?" Tim asked.

"I don't know." Karyn said. "I just wish we could go without having a mean 'queen bee' for a while."

Karyn thought, for a moment, that her wish should have been granted at that moment. But she didn't know why. After all, wishes didn't just come true in real life, just because someone began a sentence with "I wish".

Jonnie Gibson, meanwhile, remembered the wishing stone, and in fact had brought it with her to school. She knew she probably wouldn't need it: Most of the jocks and the cheerleaders obeyed her without question, and the geeks and the Goths tended to avoid her whenever possible. Sure, some of them might get out of line a bit, but using the wishing stone would be overkill in most cases.

Still, she decided to bring alone the stone just in case she needed to use it.

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