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97. Division in the ranks

96. Tina Breathes a Sigh of Relief

95. Tina Wakes Up

94. Katherine

93. A New Arrival?

92. Meanwhile

91. Karyn Returns

90. Giving Up for Another Night

89. Moving Forward

88. Upstairs

87. Time stands still

86. Jon is Delayed

85. 3AM

84. Change of the Social Calendar

83. Self Image

82. Stage 2

81. Jon Makes a List (Alt)

80. The Middle Child

79. Addition and Subtraction

78. Interlude

The Workmen: Division in the ranks

avatar on 2024-09-10 13:20:43

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Just after Tina had spoken to her mom then ran out the door with a note from her to give a reason as to why her daughter was late.

In a kitchen on the other side of town, a woman was sitting down to have a cup of coffee. This was her first of the day her husband did not like her drinking too much of the stuff so she waited until he had left for work to enjoy the deep-roasted goodness of the first cup of the day. For most of the town, it was a little after 10.30 am but for her, it was closer to 5.00 pm. This was because, unlike the rest of the town she had been awake during the time of the adjustment earlier that day.

She had gotten involved due to her being immune to the effects of what they were doing. Something she had to thank her mother for. Her Father would have told her that the strength had come from him. However, due to the tests they had carried out they had found out that the immunity had been carried down through a gene that had come from her Mother and not her Father.

Her Father however had helped to put her in the position within the company in the first place. He had given her what he had thought at the time was some share that would come to nothing. They had been meant as a wedding present but her Father wasn’t the best at buying gifts so he simply gave her 25% of the shares he had in this small American company. He had obtained them from Richard McMillan as payment for her Father investing in the company when times were not great.

Over the years she had kept an eye on McMillan Industries. Every now and then saw the fluctuations in their share price. Partly due to the fact her Father had given her them no matter why she had not sold her shares. Instead, she had bought a few more now and again. She had not told her husband about this as she was sure that he would not have agreed. He didn’t seem to agree with much that she did apart from when she sat in a corner saying nothing or presented him with his meal at the set time.

Imagine her surprise when she found out about his affair. That piece of information had come to light just before Denise had let the directors of McMillan Industries know what they had found. By this time the board only consisted of her, Denise, and Susan. She was not sure how Denise had managed to get on the board and had thought that she had slept her way to the top but then again she did watch too many soap operas as her husband was always telling her.

As to why Susan was there it was easy to understand that she had taken over the day-to-day running of the company from Richard. The former model had more brains than most people gave her credit for. She certainly had more than her husband by the time Susan had taken over Richard had run the company into the ground. It took all of Susan’s skill as a negotiator to rescue it. That was where she had come in.

Thanks in part to her Fathers’ wedding gift and her purchases she now owns approximately 45% of the company. This along with the money that she had made over the years which for some reason at the time she had not told her husband about, a fact that she was more than pleased with now that his affair had come to light. She was able to help financially bring the company back to the black rather than the red as it had been running in when Richard had been in charge.

It had taken her less time than she thought it would to become annoyed with Denise. The woman seemed to think that she was in charge of everything. If anyone was to blame for letting Denise think that way it was Richard as he always seemed to defer to her according to Susan anyway.

As for Susan, it had taken longer. The two women who had between them completely rescued the company had been working together for almost two years when Susan tried to order her around. This would never do. She got enough of that at home but as with there, she decided to keep her mouth shut until an opportunity presented itself.

Thanks to Dr. Schreber such an opportunity was here. Anyone carrying out the adjustments had to be immune from their effects much the same way she was. However, the employees and to her this included Denise and Susan did not have the same maternal gene that she did. Maybe it was a racial thing she thought. So they need to take part in regular gene therapy to overcome this hurdle. This happened once a week and for Denise and Susan was due to take place soon. So as not to incapacitate the smooth running of the test program the two women had their sessions on different days.

She had set Dr. Schreber working on developing a placebo that could be delivered in the same fashion that the regular therapy was that way the other two women would be unaware of what was happening until it was too late. The phone call she had taken let her know that she could now move forward with her plans. She would now be able to deal with the two women just as she had dealt with her husband's former mistress. That Hussey (maybe she was watching too many soaps after all) was no longer a problem. She had been moved somewhere that she could keep an eye on her. She had been kind to her husband and thanks to the new placement within the town of his mistress he would be able to see her every day. What else could a loving wife do to help her husband she thought as she sat there smiling as she finished her coffee.

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