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12. Oracle's challenge

11. Stumbling to Karyn's

10. Learning more about Leilani

9. Jenni to Leilani

8. Explanations and more mistakes

7. Everything's Normal

6. Jenni's Dream Girl

5. Jon fixes this?

4. Jon (As a Girl) and Biff

3. Biff

2. Jon Wants to Date Karyn

1. You Are What You Wish

Jon's Dating Blunder: Oracle's challenge

on 2024-09-07 23:44:44

673 hits, 108 views, 4 upvotes.

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“I heard your call through the stone. Trouble in paradise for the loving couple.”

“We’re not—”

“Yes, I know,” Karyn sighed. “Can an oracle not make a joke? Now get in here.” Karyn tugged them both in the door and locked it behind them. “Now I understand that you two are having some difficulties with your new wish-imposed relationship.”

“We’re not here for relationship advice; we're here to get back to our bodies,” Biff said, crossing his arms under his tits and then noticing this, tucking them behind his back.

“Ah, you see,” Karyn said, holding up a finger while her eyes continued their dim blue glow. “It’s not that simple.”

“To get back to your bodies, you’ll have to go through a challenge given to you by the stone.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Your wish for me to help you two have fundamentally altered how wishes can be undone. Now if you could hand me the stone.” Kary asked. Biff frowned as he handed it over. Karyn held it in two hands and concentrated until a blue flash filled the room, and a small strip of paper floated down from the ceiling. Karyn snatched it out of the air.

“Here you go,” Karyn said, handing it to them.

Biff took it and read aloud, “The two of you must live with the wishes made up until this point for three days. Each day will have a unique challenge, with a final fourth challenge at the end. If you succeed, three prior wishes the two of you have made can be undone.”

“Now,” Karyn started handing the stone back. “You can still make more wishes for yourselves or others, but be careful not to get yourselves into a deeper hole. This is a challenge for the two of you. You can recruit help or wish for help, but in the end, it’s down to you two working together.”

“Now it starts tomorrow at 6 a.m. It’s 8 p.m. now, so in the meantime, do you guys want to play video games or something?”

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