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9. Gary's Plans for the Day

8. Waking Biff Up in the Morning

7. Night Time at the Meadows Hous

6. Jennifer and Lorraine Have a C

5. Jennifer's Day

4. Jennifer Montana Picks Up the

3. Mikey Quickly Loses the Stone

2. Mikey's Turn

1. You Are What You Wish

Gary's Plans for the Day

avatar on 2024-08-28 15:58:57
Episode last modified by Ms. Cork on 2024-08-28 23:51:45

433 hits, 84 views, 3 upvotes.

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When Biff and Lorraine entered the kitchen, Jennifer was already starting a bowl of cereal and Gary was just finishing a phone conversation.

"Who were you talking to?" Lorraine asked as Gary slid his phone back into his pocket.

"Oh, I was thinking about our conversation last night," Gary replied, "so I called out the kids from school, and I'm taking a leave day at work. When's your shift start tonight?"

"Two in the afternoon, why?"

"Daddy's taking us to the park!" Jennifer interjected with enthusiasm.

Then she practically choked on her cereal, only now looking up to see her brother dressed up like a toddler. She gave her mother a curious look, which received a response that said "don't worry about it" without using any words. Gary didn't seem to react to his son's new appearance.

"Aw, you stole my thunder," Gary playfully admonished Jennifer before turning to his wife with a smile. "You want us to be more like a family with each other, well why not start now?"

A smile slowly formed on Lorraine's lips. Biff remained silent, but seemed to be responding to the positive energy in the room.

"Alright," Lorraine said brightly, "let's have some breakfast and get into the car!"

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