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14. Karyn asks him out

13. Jon gets a makeover

12. Sarah blackmails Jon

11. Cookery class

10. Karyn gives an encouraging spa

9. Uniform mix-up: Bullied by gir

8. Uniform mix-up: His new locker

7. Uniform mix-up: New timetable

6. Uniform mix-up: Meeting Sarah

5. Uniform mix-up: Karyn walks Jo

4. Karyn gets the rock

3. Uniform mix-up

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Uniform mix-up: Karyn asks him out

on 2024-08-27 10:56:37

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Within moments, the bathroom door swung open, and Sarah and Emma quickly ushered him out into the hallway.

The fluorescent lights of the hallway felt harsh against his overly made-up face, and Jon desperately tried to avoid making eye contact with anyone as they walked. But as they turned the corner, his heart nearly stopped. There, leaning casually against the wall, was Karyn.

Karyn stood with a confident swagger, her hands tucked into the pockets of her trousers. She was laughing at something one of the boys had said, completely at ease in her new boys’ uniform.

Jon’s breath caught in his throat. Seeing Karyn like this—so confident, so comfortable in her own skin—only made his own situation feel even more humiliating.

As they approached, Karyn finally noticed Jon. Her laughter faded, and her eyes widened in surprise as she took in his new appearance. For a moment, neither of them spoke. Jon could feel the heat rising in his cheeks, and he knew he was blushing furiously.

Karyn cleared her throat, clearly trying to find the right words. “Uh, hey, Jon,” she said, her voice awkward. “You, uh… you look… cute.”

Jon’s blush deepened, and he glanced down at his feet, unable to meet her gaze. The last thing he wanted was for Karyn to see him like this, but there was no escaping it now.

All Jon could think about was how, for the longest time, he’d wished he had the guts to ask Karyn out on a date, to finally make her his girlfriend. He’d always thought she’d look cute if she wore more skirts and makeup, a little more feminine. But now, here he was—the one in the skirt and makeup—and the bitter irony of it all was almost too much to bear.

Karyn shifted uncomfortably, clearly unsure of how to handle the situation. She scratched the back of her neck, a nervous habit Jon recognized all too well. “So, um… I was thinking,” she began hesitantly, “do you maybe want to go see a movie this weekend? You know, just the two of us?”

Jon’s heart skipped a beat. He looked up at her, surprised by the invitation. For so long, he’d imagined asking her out, picturing a moment like this where she’d agree to spend time with him outside of school. He’d always dreamed of Karyn being his girlfriend, of them being together, but he never imagined it would happen like this. He never imagined that he’d be the one wearing the skirt, the one who looked more like the girlfriend in this scenario.

“I… I’d like that,” Jon managed to say, his voice still shaky from everything that had happened.

There was a pause, and Karyn’s smile turned a little mischievous, as if something had just occurred to her. “You know, Jon, it’s kind of funny,” she said, a teasing note in her voice. “With the way you’re looking today, you could almost pass for my girlfriend.”

Jon’s face turned an even deeper shade of red, his mind reeling from the implications of her words. It was a tease, but the idea that Karyn might actually see him that way—especially now, when he looked more like a girl than she ever had—made his heart race in a confusing mix of emotions.

Before Jon could respond, Sarah and Emma, who had been watching the exchange with smirks on their faces, nudged him forward. “Come on, Jonny, we have places to be” Sarah said, her tone still dripping with mock sweetness.

Karyn’s smile faded slightly as she watched Jon being led away by the two girls. She opened her mouth as if to say something, but then closed it again, seemingly unsure of what to do.

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