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13. Jon gets a makeover

12. Sarah blackmails Jon

11. Cookery class

10. Karyn gives an encouraging spa

9. Uniform mix-up: Bullied by gir

8. Uniform mix-up: His new locker

7. Uniform mix-up: New timetable

6. Uniform mix-up: Meeting Sarah

5. Uniform mix-up: Karyn walks Jo

4. Karyn gets the rock

3. Uniform mix-up

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Uniform mix-up: Jon gets a makeover

on 2024-08-27 10:48:49

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With a trembling voice, he finally spoke, “I... I’ll be a good girl for you,” he whispered, barely able to force the words out.

Sarah’s eyes gleamed as she and Emma exchanged smirks, but Sarah wasn't done yet. “We didn’t quite hear you. Say it again, but this time, in a nice, girly voice. Just like a good little girl would.”

Jon’s face burned with humiliation, but he had nowhere left to turn, and he was already dressed like a girl. Once more, he felt the tightness of the blouse around his chest and the way the skirt flared out around his thighs; it all made him feel like a doll, being dressed up and played with for their amusement.

His voice came out higher-pitched, shaky, and uncertain. “I’ll be a good girl for you,” he repeated, this time in the tone they wanted.

The girls burst into a fit of giggles. "Oh, that was just adorable!" exclaimed Emma. "I can't believe you actually folded that quickly. You're like a hapless little puppy girl without your big, strong Karyn around.”

Sarah giggled, clearly enjoying every second of his humiliation. “You really are going to make the best little project, Jon. I can’t wait to see how you turn out.”

Before Jon could even begin to process what they had planned, Sarah grabbed his arm, her grip firm and unyielding. “Come on, Jonny,” she said, pulling him to his feet. “We’ve got work to do. Let’s get started on making you the prettiest girl in school.”

Emma quickly grabbed his other arm, and together, the two girls began leading him out of the cafeteria. Jon’s heart raced as they dragged him along, his mind swirling with dread about what was coming next. He tried to resist, but their grip was too strong, and the fear of what they might do if he didn’t comply kept him from pulling away.

Before he knew it, they had pushed him through the door of the girls’ bathroom. The door swung shut behind them with a loud click, sealing Jon’s fate.

“Alright, Jonny,” Sarah said with a wicked grin, letting go of his arm and turning to face him. “It’s time to start your transformation. You’re going to be the prettiest little thing when we’re done with you.”

Jon stood frozen in the center of the bathroom, his heart pounding in his chest as the girls closed in around him.

Sarah pulled out a compact mirror and a tube of lipstick, her eyes sparkling with malice. “Let’s start with some lipstick, shall we? Pucker up, Jonny!”

Jon hesitated, but the look in Sarah’s eyes told him he had no choice. He reluctantly puckered his lips as she leaned in, carefully applying a bright pink shade to his trembling mouth. The lipstick felt heavy and foreign, another layer of humiliation added to his already unbearable situation.

Emma clapped her hands together in mock delight. “The boys are going to be so excited to kiss you now, Jonny! Don’t you think?”

Jon’s face flushed even deeper as the thought of anyone seeing him like this, let alone kissing him, made his stomach churn.

Sarah wasn’t finished. She pulled out a small brush and a container of blush. “Now, let’s give you some color. We wouldn’t want you looking too pale, would we?”

She dusted the blush across his cheeks, the pink hue making his face look even more feminine. Emma leaned in, inspecting the work with a satisfied grin. “So cute! You’re blushing even more now. How precious.”

Jon felt like his dignity was being stripped away piece by piece, and there was nothing he could do to stop it.

Next, Sarah grabbed an eyeliner pencil, her grin widening. “Now for the finishing touch—some eyeliner to make those pretty eyes of yours really pop.”

She carefully traced his eyelids, and Jon had to force himself to keep still as the pencil tickled his skin. When she was done, Emma let out a delighted laugh. “You look like such a doll, Jonny! Maybe we should take you around the school and show everyone how pretty you’ve become.”

Finally, Emma reached into her bag and pulled out a wig—a long, flowing blonde wig that looked like it had come straight from the drama department. She placed it on Jon’s head, adjusting it until it fit snugly over his short hair.

Sarah and Emma each grabbed an arm again and dragged him over to the bathroom mirror, pushing him forward so he could see his reflection in full.

Jon’s breath caught in his throat as he stared at the image in the mirror. The person looking back at him didn’t even look like him anymore. No longer was he just a boy in a girls uniform. The long blonde hair, the heavily made-up face, the feminine clothing—it was all too much. But then, the realization hit him like a ton of bricks. He looked like Karyn.

The wig was almost identical to the blonde hair Karyn had wished for, and the makeup made his face resemble hers in a way that was both uncanny and horrifying.

What was worse, he now looked more girly than Karyn ever had. He looked like the kind of girl he had once wished Karyn could be. The thought of how she would react if she saw him like this was almost too much to bear.

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