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93. Athena Aware

92. Wish made in despair

91. Jon gets Karyn Wilmingham alon

90. Wilmingham Visit

89. Stephanie And Zoe

88. Laura's New Life

87. Concerned Parents

86. Jon finishes things at the Bre

85. Tiffany's Mom

84. But Jon doesn't know what the

83. My 600 Pound Life

82. To the Brewers' house

81. Relief And Hope

80. Jon gets even more depressed

79. Sarah's Performance

78. Jon Nguyen's grandfather

77. Wider Consequences

76. The Kims Go Out To Dinner

75. Lessons From Jon

74. Jon and The Kim Girls

Family Swap: Athena Aware

on 2024-08-25 21:20:39

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In the trailer park Athena called home the obese blonde had just grabbed a beer from the fridge. She used the counter as a bottle opener before downing half the bottle.

"Phil earned tonight with how fast he got into this fucker." Athena chuckled to herself as she looked at the unlocked phone in her other hand. "Now, let's see what that slant eyed loser has on here. If he's dumb enough to leave his phone he may be dumb enough to leave a credit card account."

It would have been easy to just pawn the phone as it was, but Athena had always been shrewd. With a little extra work there was usually a way to score a little extra to sweeten the pot.

"Fuck yeah! Jackpot!" Athena cheered as she found Jon had a credit card attached to his phone.

With everything going on it was something he had never considered. He was too engrossed in dealing with all the other challenges the day had thrown at him. Unknown to him Jon was just a few taps away from being financially ruined by Athena.

"What should I get first?" Athena asked herself, smirking devilishly. "Maybe some fancy clothes? Oh, do they send booze in the mail?"

That was when Athena's brain filled with information. She learned of who and how she had been mere days ago. About Jon's wish, and how it had been interpreted the last few days. If she focused she could even tell what changes had been made, and who had swapped with who.

"What about Zoe and Zelda?" Athena hoped her friends were okay.

She was treated to knowledge that each was blissfully unaware of what had happened to them, and though they were happy they were much different than the last time she saw them. Athena could only wonder what Zoe must look like over six hundred pounds and teaching her daughters to be fat too. It seemed as strange as Zelda being a new mom with a large family.

"What the hell did you do Jon?" Athena put a hand to her head, trying to ride out the headache she was getting. "Fuck, what should I do?"

As Athena looked around the crappy trailer littered with empty beer bottles and take out containers she felt disgusted. She knew Jon hadn't explicitly put her in this life, but as she remembered what she had done with Phil earlier that night her skin crawled.

"Maybe I should go see Jon and try to get this fixed? I don't want to stay like this. I could just say I'm there to give his phone back, but what do I tell them about stealing it in the first place? Or I could try to swap into a different life tomorrow that's easier to approach him in. I just don't have a guarantee that Ill swap at all though."

Athena grew more frustrated as she considered her options. None of them seemed good, but her best bet seemed to be talking with Jon.

"I only know what his wish was and how the girls at school have swapped. If Jon feels any remorse perhaps we can work together until the wish is over. If not, he doesn't know I'm aware of the stone now. It'll be tricky, but anything is better than sitting here."

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