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4. Jennifer Montana Picks Up the

3. Mikey Quickly Loses the Stone

2. Mikey's Turn

1. You Are What You Wish

Jennifer Montana Picks Up the Stone

avatar on 2024-08-16 19:47:51

550 hits, 101 views, 3 upvotes.

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12 year-old Jennifer Montana hated having gym first period. You get all sweaty, and then you have to either shower with all the other girls or you just have to stay sweaty all day. It was very ugh.

That's why Jennifer had asked to play left field on this particular fateful morning. She knew most of her classmates couldn't hit a softball that far out, and it was closest to the door back into the gym. If she could just wait out this stupid game, she could be first one back inside, and dressed and ready for her next class without breaking a sweat. Literally.

In fact, the game ended up so slow that Jennifer's mind started wandering, and her attention started wandering, and what a pretty red rock that was in the middle of the grass!

She slipped it into the pocket of her gym shorts, and promptly forgot about it as Coach Megan Bird blew her whistle and called for everyone to return to the lockers.

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