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132. Bringing in the Warrens

131. Rebecca's Reveal

130. Getting It

129. Just Missing It

128. Nothing Will Ever Be the Same

127. Catching Up with Athena and 'M

126. Karyn and Zoe have a Chat

125. What a Difference 15 Minutes M

124. Starting to Wrap Up the Party

123. New Girl Power

122. Being Pushed Away

121. Getting Reacquainted

120. Zoe and Simon Join the Party

119. Zoe and Simon Arrive

118. Mollie Calms Robert

117. Robert and Mollie

116. Zoe and Simon Head to the McMi

115. Maddy

114. New Girl

113. Another Budding Friendship?

DMU-122: Bringing in the Warrens

on 2024-08-11 12:18:02

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The two men, dressed in nondescript clothes, approached the house. "You remember what she said," the first told the second.

"There are two people inside...we take them to the lab. It might be weird, but ignore it," the other responded.

"Certainly sounds weird. What do you think...." He stopped when his companion rang the doorbell. They could hear what sounded like barking before the door opened.

Both men forced themselves not to react, as they've been instructed. Although it was hard not to not notice a dog standing over five feet tall, tail peeking out above some increasingly feminine legs.

"Strangerrr..." a voice growled. It didn't come from the dog...they looked around, before finally looking down and seeing a much tinier human woman on all fours...her tongue hanging out of her mouth amidst sharp teeth. Her nose had turned a dark black and her ears were starting to peek out of her messy hair.

"Hush," the dog said to the human, who quieted.

The two exchanged glances again...which one were they supposed to talk to. "We're from the team that is researching your condition. They asked us to come pick you up and run some additional tests...."

Both the dog and the human seemed to acknowledge this. The dog walked over and got a leash hanging by the door and attached it to the human, then grabbed a purse from the hook next to it and slung it over his shoulder.

Another glance between the two men. They'd been told to ignore it. They escorted the two to the van they'd brought.

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