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24. Linda Makes it Harder

23. Not Too Late

22. Eye Contact

21. Oh Shit

20. Girl Talk

19. Where did Rachel, Kelly, and G

18. The Cheerleaders

17. Jon Heads Home

16. Karyn and Sarah plan a Girl's

15. Mom Meets Karyn

14. Meeting Mom

13. At the School(Version 4)

12. Language Lesson

11. Meanwhile... (Interlude)

10. Wednesday 3:47PM

9. Wednesday in the Hall with Zoe

8. Wednesday Morning

7. Tuesday 3:47PM

6. Back at the Mall

5. Making Sense

Family Swap: Linda Makes it Harder

on 2024-08-11 11:51:34

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A few blocks later, Linda stopped. "My house is that way," she gestured. "I know you live in the other direction. Do you want to...walk me home?"

"Sure," he said. It would give him a chance to see her house. His mind was still trying to rationalize all of this weirdness. They talked for another twenty minutes before arriving at the McMillan house. It was in a nicer neighborhood than his, surrounded by a gate. She keyed in a code and entered, urging him inside.

"I had a really nice time, Jon. I mean that," Linda said.

"I guess this is good night then," he said.

She smiled. "It doesn't have to be....that's up to you. But...I hope you want to do it again if it is."

Jon paused. Was she suggesting what he thought she was suggesting?

She leaned over and kissed him, and for a moment he forgot the question.

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