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16. The End of the working day

15. Monday Morning

14. Joesph’s new workspace

13. The start of the working week

12. The First-Day Approaches

11. 30 Minutes Later

10. Sunday Evening

9. Sunday Afternoon

8. Family Reunion

7. Size Matters

6. Well

5. Rebecca

4. The Rules

3. The bet

2. Parallels

1. The Drafting Board

Parallels: The End of the working day

avatar on 2024-08-05 13:09:24

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Joseph looked at the clock on the side of his screen, it showed it was one minute till the end of his working day. It had been a strange one at that. It had taken him a few hours to get used it his new workstation and the people that he was working beside. The girls were still a bit strange around him but then again if he was in their place he would be as well he thought. The clock changed to 6 and he went to log off his computer.

When Kassandra called him into her office. “Well, how was your first day in the pool?” She asked him.

“Ok, I think. The others seemed to be getting used to me, I think.” He told her.

“I haven’t had any complaints. I think you will be ok,” She replied.

“Good to hear. I don’t want to cause any trouble just because I let my sister get the better of me. Again.” He finished off with.

Kassandra just nodded at him. Joseph took that to be the end of the conversation and went to pick up his bag. As he bent down to pick it up he noticed for the first time in the last few hours what he was wearing and how it was fitting him.

He stopped for a minute as he realized this fact and wondered how he had become so used to wearing a bra so quickly. Never mind that he thought how had he gotten used to having breasts so quickly. Granted they were not real but they moved as if they were. He thought that they must weigh the same as real ones did. He was not used to feeling the weight of a pair of breasts from this angle. He was used to holding with his hands as they hung from someone else's chest rather than his own.

He walked towards the main door of the office. It was emptier than it had been when he had arrived that morning. This meant that there were even fewer people than then to stare at him and his new silhouette. By now the whole office would have read the email that explained what he was doing as well as the follow-up about how he was raising money for charity. He would have to remember to thank Kassandra for that idea. Yes, he would not gain the money from the bet he had going with his sister but he would gain the respect of a number of the women in the office and who knows a date or two out of this.

He called Lilly as he promised but got her answerphone. He realized that the creature of habit that she was, she would be at the gym at that moment. He left a message telling her about the day's events and asking her if it was ok that he could around later sometime around 8. He had just left a message for her and his phone began ringing. He sat in the driver's seat of his car and looked at the screen. It was his sister. He decided to get this over and done with sooner rather than later.

“Hi Jo, how has your day been?” He asked knowing why she was calling.

“Not too bad Joe. How about you?” She asked down the line not telling him about the phone calls she had earlier that day.

“Ok, I guess. A little bit strange.” He replied.

“I bet. So are you ready to give in yet?” She asked knowing that this would only annoy him. It was something that she loved doing during one of their bets over the years.

“No way. I will last the week and you will owe me that money.” He told her in a defiant tone.

“Ok, ok little brother. I was only joking. You will have to tell me that you are quitting.” She said with a smile in her voice.

It was true Joseph thought you could hear when someone was smiling on the phone.

“Is it ok if I come over tomorrow so I can see how you are doing?” She asked.

“Twice in one month, I am honored,” Joseph replied.

“Don’t be nasty Joe. I just want to make sure that you are ok with this thing. I know the bet was sort of my idea but it doesn’t mean I want anything to happen to you because of it.” She told him.

“I know sis just been a long day and I promised Lilly that I would go and see her tonight. She wants to make sure I am ok as well.” Joseph said.

“Well, I suppose it’s the nurse in her kicking in. Why don’t I call her and see if it's ok for me to come over to her place tonight that way you can get it all out of the way in one go.” Joanne said trying to make things easier for her brother. She really did want to check up on him. Yes, she did want to win the bet but she would have cancelled it to make sure he was ok.

“I tried to call her but she is not answering. She must be at the gym.” He told her

“What? The one on John Street?” Joanne asked.

“I think that’s the one she goes to.” Came her brother's reply.

“That will save me a phone call I am just across the road from there just now. I will pop in and see if she is there. See you later little brother.” Joanne said as she hung up.

“Oh great. I have to tell the two of them about today.” Joseph said out loud.

“See you tomorrow Joseph,” Kassandra shouted to him from across the car park.

“See you tomorrow.” He said as he adjusted his seat belt and started up his car and headed to his flat.

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