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15. Monday Morning

14. Joesph’s new workspace

13. The start of the working week

12. The First-Day Approaches

11. 30 Minutes Later

10. Sunday Evening

9. Sunday Afternoon

8. Family Reunion

7. Size Matters

6. Well

5. Rebecca

4. The Rules

3. The bet

2. Parallels

1. The Drafting Board

Parallels: Monday Morning

avatar on 2024-08-05 13:05:25

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The morning seemed to be longer than usual for Joseph that morning. Every so often he would up from his temporary desk only to find one of the women looking back at him. He thought that maybe he should have just taken the week of the bet off after all he did have the days to spare but no his sister would have just accused him of cheating so he went to work.

Around 11 some of the guys he usually sat with came around to see him and they managed a few minutes before having to leave as they tried hard not to laugh. He was glad that Tucker was not at work that Monday. He knew that Tucker never meant any harm with his jokes but he knew that Tucker would not be able to stop himself from saying something. At least he had one day to get used to his new situation before he had to face Tucker.

Lunchtime arrived and Joseph was already regretting not preparing himself a lunch that morning. Not that he really could have as he had said the night at Lilly’s but he still thought that he should have.

“Not hungry Joe?” Madeline asked him.

“A bit but I thought I would keep a low profile today.” He told her.

“Why don’t you join me and Carolyn in the break-room,” Madeline said trying to make up for some of the comments that were made earlier that morning.

“It’s ok, I will stay here if you don’t mind. Anyway, I forgot to bring a lunch today.” He told them honestly.

“Joe you are part of the pool well you are sitting with us this week anyway and we can’t be put off our work by your grumbling stomach. So I will share some of my lunch with you. I always make too much anyway.” She replied with a smile.

She could see how nervous he looked sitting there. Part of her thought that was his fault for making the bet with his sister in the first place. Then again part of her also thought that he was brave to go through with it after all. She didn’t see a reason for making it any harder on him than it needed to be. She was sure that a lot of people were going to be lining up to laugh at him in the days ahead she didn’t need to be one of them.

Seeing that she would not take no for an answer Joseph got out of his seat. “Only if you are sure that you have enough to spare.” He said to her as he moved to join them.

“I am more than sure.” She said as she led the way to the break-room.

Kassandra could see what was happening from the other side of her door as she dialed Joanne’s number. She had promised to let her know what had happened that morning. She knew that this would stop Joanne from making one of her visits to the office. These visits were usually not an issue but she was not sure how Joanne would react today considering how Joseph looked.

On the other end of the line, Joanne smiled at the thought of her brother wearing a bra that was filled with a 36D bust. She had gotten a call from Lily that morning to tell her that Joseph was keeping to his side of their agreement. Joanne had told Lily that her brother would never really not what it was like to wear a bra as he didn’t have anything that needed the support that the bra would provide. That was when Lily let slip what she had done the night before. This news brought a huge grin to Joanne’s face. She had not realized just how literal Lily’s brain was as Lily asked her if she had read the rules correctly.

Trying not to laugh out loud down the phone line at her friend she had ensured her that she had. Not long after that, she had gotten the call from Kassandra. She thanked the older woman for the information that she had given. Joanne sat at her desk once again trying not to laugh out loud. At that moment she knew that no one else was near so she could have if she wished to but she held it back anyway. In her mind's eye, she had a picture of her brother wearing half of one of his suits and half of one of Lilly’s he must look very weird indeed. He might just learn something from this week after all she thought. Maybe just maybe.

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