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311. The Military

310. Moving On

309. Trolling

308. Released

307. Obliterating

306. A Fucking

305. Gang Bang

304. Android 3

303. Android 2

302. Android 1

301. Captured

300. Mini-EMPs

299. Our Target

298. Pink Drink

297. Randomness

296. Aggression

295. More AEPs

294. Sonic Clan

293. Information

292. An Escort

Finding the Soldiers

avatar on 2024-08-02 01:34:20

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Finally, we were free to actually explore. We also got a bit of exp. for this. It seemed this was part of a questline. Certainly, getting marching orders from Sonic Clan and fully taking their side in the war was an option we could take. The same could be said for the military. We knew the name of the major and we had some new tech and big information that could definitely help out the soldiers on the front lines. That was if we wanted to follow leads and do a more organized campaign here. There actually was nothing to say we had to. It was the main selling point of the game. Fucking around and simply messing with Electric Clan, Exterminus, and Phobia would also be pretty funny. I could definitely see Paul, Brett and I doing that. It would be fun. Walking up and trolling them on sight could be entertaining. It was all up to us now. We walked out of the shed and down the path we walked to get over here until we returned to the lot that we were all fighting in. The police had never arrived. The western quadrant was an active war zone. The police had been subsumed in the full military.

Paul decided to lead our trio around the block. A couple of soldiers finally arrived to case the scene. We approached them and told them about the fight. They wanted us to meet with their commanders. That was what we were seeking from the start. It was easy for us to go with them to their headquarters. Once we got there, we saw that there was a sergeant. This was nowhere near a captain or a major. It seemed that this was going to be part of a new questline. Now that we were here, we got to talk to them. The military all over the country was well aware of the exploits of Sixteenth Notes Clan. Now that we were here, we offered to help out. The first mission they gave to us was to reinforce the supply lines was to run some lunch to one group of hungry soldiers on duty. They were appreciative. We returned to the headquarters. The next task was to run some guns over to a separate group of soldiers. I was fine with that. They thanked us. The third task was a rescue mission. 5 soldiers were pinned down in a nasty 3 way fire fight between the Electric Clan and the Phobia syndicate.

Kicking ass and saving the soldiers was not hard. Bringing them to their headquarters was pretty easy for us too. Now that we had completed the 3 grunt work tasks, we built a lot of trust. It was time to move up the chain of command. We finally got to talk to a captain that served directly under Major Maude Selova. She was tasked with taking on Sonic Clan. However, due to the realities on the ground, all of the captains were doing a lot of collaboration. When she appeared, it was time to get some lore from her. We wanted answers about Major Selova. She was really avoidant. "I don't think you have the clearance to know much of anything about the major. How do you even know her name? That is classified." I said "We know and deal with all the other majors. They told us." The captain scoffed and threw her hands up. "Of course they would meddle in our affairs and send you here to spy." she hissed. I balked at that reaction. "If they were trying to meddle, there would be a whole lot of nuking going on here." Brett said. Paul and I nodded in agreement. We did crazy shit to take them out.

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