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312. Researcher

311. Sonic Clan

310. Moving On

309. Trolling

308. Released

307. Obliterating

306. A Fucking

305. Gang Bang

304. Android 3

303. Android 2

302. Android 1

301. Captured

300. Mini-EMPs

299. Our Target

298. Pink Drink

297. Randomness

296. Aggression

295. More AEPs

294. Sonic Clan

293. Information

What They Do

avatar on 2024-08-02 01:29:49
Episode last modified by 1Ryguy1 on 2024-08-02 01:30:07

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Going down, the members of Sonic Clan were all expecting us. The officers were right in front of the elevator. They all welcomed us. We returned the warmth. It was time to learn more about them. The first time we met, they spoke on the conflict and we told them about the mini-EMP. 11-002 had already made his full report. The mini-EMP could destroy an entire clan. It also made their most evolved sub-species, the proud AEP units, extremely vulnerable to attack and capture. Knowing that the syndicates had access to them was very concerning. Because this was the Researcher faction, they were going to work close with Impact Clan for countermeasures. Maybe they would succeed where the Advocates failed. I asked them what their own specialty of research was before this. The Sonic Clan was researching human psychology and behavior. They wanted to know more about humans and how they ticked. I was not impressed. Brett said "Humans have been studying that for centuries. Just download all the books." "Humans analyzing themselves is flawed. We take an outside view."

Taking an outside view was fine, but that was also pretty flawed. "Are you even interacting with humans aside from the human staff at the stadium and the team!? You can't know what humans are like unless you explore all that we have to offer." Paul questioned. The officers said they were not. "I'll remind you that we have been around since the beginning of our presence on your world. We know how you humans treated us when you were able to own PEP units." "Yeah but humans interact different with things they own to equals they respect or admire. Have any of you gotten the chance to date or even be friends with a human before!?" I asked. None of them here had raised their hands. The clan engineer glared at us. "What do you expect us to do!? We have missions from the transmission hub to complete. We don't have time to play nice with idiots or bigots." he spat. "There are lots of you here. I'm sure some of you can get a girlfriend or a boyfriend. Isn't that what case studies are? Detailing a single case and then analyzing it all!? If you have 3 or more, that is a lot." Brett said.

After some consideration they agreed that it would further the depths of their knowledge did get 3 members to try it out with. They were 11-001, 11-002 and 11-004. All 3 of them had aliases due to their membership on the soccer team. 11-001 was known around the city and all throughout the continent as Caden Porter, the midfielder. It would be easy to get him a date. 11-002 was another midfielder by the name of Evan Quinn. Trent Burton was the alias given to the center striker of the team, 11-004. All we had to do was go to a night club. Because they were super famous and we were super rich, we got to have a VIP booth all to ourselves. We told them that they could have any pick of the patrons of the club that were single. "After you ask them out and they say yes, dance with them for a bit. Once you get them a drink or 2, ask them whether they want you to take them to their home or to a nearby hotel. When you get there, fuck them until the cum at least twice. In the morning, ask if you can be a real couple." Brett instructed. All 3 nodded their heads and went to work searching.

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