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305. Gang Bang

304. Android 3

303. Android 2

302. Android 1

301. Captured

300. Mini-EMPs

299. Our Target

298. Pink Drink

297. Randomness

296. Aggression

295. More AEPs

294. Sonic Clan

293. Information

292. An Escort

291. Stress Test

290. Finishing Up

289. A Reveal

288. In the Sand

287. Encounter

286. Blue and Red

Hung From the Ceiling

avatar on 2024-08-01 22:42:03
Episode last modified by 1Ryguy1 on 2024-08-01 22:42:22

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Furious at his mistreatment, the hostile AEP unit engaged his AEP organ. It was an electrode that protruded from his palms. He used it to blast the enforcer android with megawatts of electricity. It was enough to take it out. His fatal mistake was turning his focus on Brett. He walked over to the Devil and said "So you've already accepted your death? You aren't trembling like those humans over there." Brett just smiled and said "It wasn't my plan to let the android fuck you. I would have done it myself." The nerve he had. The AEP unit tried to punch him for the insolence. Brett dodged it easily and punched him in the forehead. That was apparently enough to stun the angry cyborg. "How about you take a seat for a bit!?" Brett teased. He was a Devil. That punch was not a normal one. It was probably one that gave the AEP unit a big stunned effect. Brett then tied him up again using the rope that remained. The AEP unit cursed him out and tried to wiggle away, but it was no use. He had been critically injured by the fighting and all the hacking attempts. More nanite shell was left on the ground.

There was a convenient hook hanging from the ceiling. This might have been a butcher's shed in the past. Or maybe it was a storehouse. Either way, it was not in use. It was here for our needs now. Using that metal hook, the Conqueror was hoisted up and suspended in the air by the ropes. The humans from Exterminus syndicate were stunned. "If you had that shit all along, we could have had the information we needed by now!" the leader of the pair complained. Brett just shrugged his shoulders. "I guess I forgot about that." he said. I rolled my eyes. The syndicate men knew better than to mess with him though. Brett looked at the AEP unit. "You had some of those android dicks inside you. They even had some nasty spikes in your ass. Did it hurt that much!? I don't like sloppy seconds." The Electric Clan AEP just glared at him. "I healed that damage already. There is nothing a human or their tools can do that will hurt me for long. I bet I won't even need to enlarge my rectum for your tiny penis. It's not like I can feel it anyway." he said. Brett chuckled and lowered him a bit. "We'll see."

Brett proceeded to take all of his clothes off and got on the ground under the suspended cyborg. He proceeded to fuck the AEP unit's ass. Just like he had did for 11-002, he made it so ever 10 thrusts, the AEP would spurt out a bit of his synthetic cum. It was funny watching everyone's reaction. "Wh-what the hell!? A malfunction!?" the fucked cyborg cried out. Brett paused and said "What happened to 'It's not like I can feel it anyway?' You just came from a human dick." The AEP unit was indignant. "It was a malfunction. It likely was a result of those barbs puncturing my synthetic ejaculate tanks." the AEP unit said as an excuse. "I thought that you healed it. We'll see if you can do better this time. Probably not!" Brett teased before resuming his thrusting up into the waiting asshole. By the time he blew his thick load, the AEP unit shot at least 8 more times. Brett pulled out and lifted the cyborg for the other 2 humans to use. They had no hesitation. To them, they wanted to degrade the AEP unit as much as possible before killing him. This was part of their revenge. The rest of us watched.

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