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299. Our Target

298. Pink Drink

297. Randomness

296. Aggression

295. More AEPs

294. Sonic Clan

293. Information

292. An Escort

291. Stress Test

290. Finishing Up

289. A Reveal

288. In the Sand

287. Encounter

286. Blue and Red

285. Reunion

284. 12-001 Wins

283. Lockeroom

282. A Conflict

281. The Petals

280. Healthcare

Electric Clan vs. Exterminus

avatar on 2024-07-28 07:00:02
Episode last modified by 1Ryguy1 on 2024-07-28 07:00:29

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That was enough to get him to calm down. I was happy that we were not going to need to brawl in the middle of the street. However, we were going to need to figure out a way to get this cyborg out of our hair. We had no real choice other than to find some enemies to use the mini-EMP. Paul and Brett were doing their best to keep from laughing out loud. I guess that we needed to just get it over with. This was a new quadrant. It was a really dangerous place. We had no reason to think we would just run into Electric Clan or some military androids. All we could do was walk around until something happened. 11-002 could not resist drinking the second pink drink while we walked. When he was done, he looked wistfully at the empty cup. Paul scoffed out loud when he noticed. "I thought you wanted your friends to drink it." he teased. Brett smiled and said "You can throw it out. You already know where the store Paul bought it from is." 11-002 nodded his head. As we walked further, we heard the sounds of fighting. I looked at 11-002 seriously. "No jumping in the fight! We look first." I said.

11-002 stubbornly crossed his arms. "I'm not holding back for you! If it's an enemy of my clan, I'm going to engage them when I see them. They won't hold back for me." I rolled my eyes as I groaned out loud. That was a problem. "Paul. Brett. Go scout ahead and tell us if it's a hostile syndicate or Electric Clan out there." I instructed. I then wrapped 11-002 in another hug. He yowled and tried hitting me. "Let me go! I don't want you on me like this. I hate it!" he whined. The AEP unit was just acting out emotionally. Like a child. Technically, they were made of a nanite paste which was totally fluid. It should make them fully immune to grappling. However, he was trying to overpower me instead of slipping out of my grasp. I was not going to correct his mistake while it was helping us. It only took 3 minutes for them to come back. They were both happy. "We hit the jackpot!" Brett smirked. I asked who it was. It was a anti-cyborg syndicate, Exterminus, fighting members of Electric Clan. I let 11-002 go. It was time to game plan. "This mini-EMP really works. You can't be near when it goes off."

Now 11-002 had a choice on what target he wanted to pursue. He said he wanted to fight Electric Clan. That was fine with us. "Okay. That means that you need to focus on them and not get in our way. We'll warn you to get back when it's time." I told him firmly. The last thing we needed is for him to be compromised during the fight. He nodded. We then all rushed in as a group. 11-002 was using his AEP organ to blast everyone in sight. The rest of us were blasting with our guns. Just like we had said, it was a 3 way battle now. I heard members of both sides calling for back up. 11-002 made his way over to where Electric Clan was. They were being led by an AEP unit. I was not surprised. There were androids and humans working together to fight the PEP and PEA units of Electric Clan. It was time to get it over with. The sooner we got the mini-EMP deployed, the sooner we could get it over with. After that was confirmed by 11-002, Sonic Clan could leave us alone and do our work in the region. I pulled it out and set it up. It began to beep and I told 11-002 to back off. He jumped back.

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