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296. Aggression

295. More AEPs

294. Sonic Clan

293. Information

292. An Escort

291. Stress Test

290. Finishing Up

289. A Reveal

288. In the Sand

287. Encounter

286. Blue and Red

285. Reunion

284. 12-001 Wins

283. Lockeroom

282. A Conflict

281. The Petals

280. Healthcare

279. All in Here

278. New Task

277. Initiative

Our First Task

avatar on 2024-07-28 06:32:43

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We did not have to wait that long before we were brought in front of all the officers of Sonic Clan. The leader and vice leader/treasurer were displeased we were here. As it was us that broke of the alliance we had, this was to be expected. The AEP unit were the leaders here. We let them talk. I showed the mini EMP when prompted to by an animated 11-002. There was a split of opinion. About a third of them simply did not believe us. We were not going to detonate it here. None of us had any clue what it would do to the PEP and PEA units here. We knew that it could stun and incapacitate a perfectly functioning AEP unit. For all we knew, it could be fatal for them. I was not stupid to think killing everyone here would lead to any positive outcome. Even if Sonic Clan was an enemy of ours, letting the Conqueror faction take the hub was not something we could do. To be frank, it would be better to get Sonic Clan to take out Electric Clan. That way, we could increase the number of Researcher transmission hubs from a measly 2 to 3. The Conqueror faction would then be left with only 3 also.

Being very cautious, they did not want to take any chances. Instead, they wanted a live demonstration. We would have to use it against another faction. That was not at all unreasonable. It was not like we had a lack of targets for an attack. We could go face off against Electric Clan or the anti-cyborg syndicates. Erosion Clan and the military were off limits. We were allied with the military and we had understandings with Erosion Clan. There was no reason that I would go back on all the work we did to get this far. With all that in mind we were sent out. However, we would not be able to go without being watched. 11-002 was to follow us. I did not mind. If push came to shove, I would be able to carry Paul and Brett and out run 11-002. We left the stadium from a separate staff entrance. The whole complex was a big maze. Brett looked at 11-002 and said "You know, you never got your malfunction checked out. Are you sure that it's okay for you to follow us?" he teased. 11-002 pouted. He crossed his arms and said "It only seems to act up when I am talking to you. I think I will be fine."

Moving about, it was not long before we were beset by some syndicate goon. If I was alone it would be fine. However, the syndicates and 11-002 were mutually hostile to each other. I barely got a word out before 11-002 got in an offensive stance and deployed his AEP organ. It was a big speaker in his chest. He used it to blast the guy with a massive shockwave of sound. It knocked the guy off of his feet and it did major damage. He scrambled to his feet and brought out a gun to shoot us. 11-002 just jumped in front of us and used his armored plating to tank the bullets. He then proceeded to beat the poor man to death. We just looked on at the scene. Paul, Brett and I all exchanged a look. This was not some little innocent Advocate faction AEP unit that wanted to leave violence as a last resort. Sonic Clan did not fuck around. This was a big problem. How the hell would we get in touch with the military or Erosion Clan without 11-002 trying to kill them on sight? I looked at him and said "Can you not do that? We wanted to try and investigate the military chain of command here. Okay!?"

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