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13. The start of the working week

12. The First-Day Approaches

11. 30 Minutes Later

10. Sunday Evening

9. Sunday Afternoon

8. Family Reunion

7. Size Matters

6. Well

5. Rebecca

4. The Rules

3. The bet

2. Parallels

1. The Drafting Board

Parallels:The start of the working week

avatar on 2024-07-27 12:34:49

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Joseph arrived at the office around 8.30 and rather nervously walked inside. He saw Sara sitting behind her desk as usual.

“Morning Sara,” Joseph said greeting her as if it was a normal Monday morning.

“Morning Joe. Oh before I forget Rebbeca said that she wanted to talk to you when you got in.” Came Sara's reply without her looking up from her computer screen.

“Thanks,” Joseph said as he turned and headed towards Rebbeca’s office.

“Come.” Came the short reply to the knock.

“Sara said that you wanted to see me,” Joseph said as he walked into the room.

“Yes, I did,” Rebbeca informed him as she looked him up and down.

Joseph didn’t know what to say to his boss as she directed him to sit in the seat in front of her. Whilst it was true that his Uncle owned the company Rebbeca was still the boss. She had been given carte blanche to run things as she saw fit. This effectively made her Joseph’s boss and a woman that he was scared of.

“I got your message yesterday to say that you were going ahead with the bet and I wanted to make sure that it didn’t interfere with your work here.” She told him.

“It won’t I promise. I want to thank you for letting me do this, you could have stopped everything before it got underway. He replied to her.

“Yes I could have but I decided not. I thought that it might make you a little more empathic towards what women go through every day. Who knows that knowledge might help you going forward.” Rebbeca said to him.

“With all due respect, I am not sure how knowing wearing a bra feels might help,” Joseph said with a smile on his face.

“You never know. You never know. Now because of your situation, you are going to be working with the girls in the office away from where any customers might see you. Sara will show you to your new desk.” Rebbeca advised him.

“That’s understandable,” Joseph replied agreeing with her.

“I know that we don’t get many visitors but it's better to be safe than sorry. I sent the memo advising the staff of what was happening. So that you don’t have any problems.” She let him know.


“Well, time to get to work I suppose,” she said as she stood up.

“I suppose so,” Joseph replied.

“Good luck for the week ahead Joe who knows what you might learn from it,” Rebbeca said as she shook his hand.

With that Joseph turned towards the door knowing that she had no more to say on the subject. Outside he found Sara waiting sitting at her desk still with her face glued to her monitor.

“Sara, Rebbeca said that you would show me to my desk for the week,” Joseph said to the woman.

“Not a problem Joe,” The young brunette said turning from her screen and seeing Joseph's new look. She tried not to stare as she walked out from behind her desk.
She was only a few years younger than he was but she always seemed to treat him as if he was more senior within the company than he was which was not the case.

“Go on you can laugh if you need to. Get out of your system.” Joseph said seeing the way she was looking at him.

“Oh sorry Joe, I didn’t mean to. It's just I have the same pink shirt at home.” She said.

“My friend gave me it. She thought it might fit better because of well you know.” He told her.

“I think she was right. I can’t see one of your usual business shirts fitting you at the moment.” Sara told him as they walked.

“That’s what she said.” He replied.

“If you don’t mind me asking, how big?” Sara asked him quietly.

“I think she said 36D. I am not sure though.” Joseph told her.

The smile that seemed to always be present on Sara’s face seemed to dip slightly after his statement.

“Did I do something to upset you?” He asked. The last thing that Joseph wanted to do was upset Sara. She had been nothing but kind to him in all the time that they had known each other.

“Oh know you didn’t. It's just that you are bigger than me.” She informed him trying to 00reassure him that he had nothing to offend her.

“Well look at it this way Sara. Yours are 100% real mine are 100% Fake.” He said smiling at her. This seemed to cheer her up as they reached their destination. His new desk for the week.

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