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292. An Escort

291. Stress Test

290. Finishing Up

289. A Reveal

288. In the Sand

287. Encounter

286. Blue and Red

285. Reunion

284. 12-001 Wins

283. Lockeroom

282. A Conflict

281. The Petals

280. Healthcare

279. All in Here

278. New Task

277. Initiative

276. 12-001 Sulks

275. New AEP

274. Wild West

273. Tactical Lie

The Western Quadrant

avatar on 2024-07-27 07:50:40

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Somehow, he convinced 11-002 that his synthetic cum tanks were critically malfunctioning. Being a proud AEP unit. He could not let the accusations slide. The AEP units were the current pinnacle of the cyborg race. If some human was making up flaws to criticize them when they saw themselves as nearly perfect, it would cause a huge problem. That was the trap. 11-002 was just an NPC. Brett was a Devil that could easily manipulate anything about him. 11-002 was supposed to be totally numb to that kind of stuff. Even without the actual sexual upgrade, Brett could make any cyborg cum as many times as he wanted. I honestly felt bad for 11-002 now. He looked so sad and ashamed of himself. He did not even try to arrest us for being dangerous collaborators with Erosion Clan. All he did was walk and tilted his head to signal that he wanted to be followed. He had a car waiting in a parking lot a few blocks away. I was a centaur, so I was never going to be able to fit. They drove slowly so I could follow behind them on the road. We went from the northern quadrant to the new, western one.

The Sonic Clan territory had a big soccer stadium that used to draw in big money. With all the terrorism and fighting, no one wanted to leave their houses, let alone pack themselves into a metal death trap. It was a shame. At least 5 members of their clan had managed to infiltrate the stadium. The AEP units had gotten onto the team. That was impressive, but there were no games so far. People did not even want to challenge them to matches on their own home turf due to the risk of spreading their conflict to them. I could understand that concern. We had to be really careful now. 11-002 made sure that we were aware that we were now in an active warzone. Things could change in a second. Erosion Clan, Electric Clan, various syndicates, independent scrappers and reprogrammers and the military were all fighting over here. We had a lot of options to start with. We needed to find the major, see what they knew, inform them about other things, investigate Titron and all the other syndicates, get Sonic Clan to deescalate and pacify the huge region. We were not obligated do any of them either.

Having 11-002 with us now was a good start. He could take us all to the Sonic Clan right away. He frowned and said "I am not bringing you to my clan building. We aren't allies in the war." That made sense. He was not going to immediately trust us with such crucial information. We could easily use it against him. His task was to bring us in under arrest for helping out Erosion Clan. I certainly was not going to let the cyborg lock me up somewhere I did not want to be in. He took us down several side streets and alleys until we got to a shady open plaza. I could see that there were cages all over the place. "Get into the cages. Then I can call the rest of my clan over to speak to you." he commanded. None of us moved an inch. He just frowned at us. "I am trying to be nice here. I should be way rougher after what you did! Just get in the cages already!" he snapped. I crossed my arms and said "No. way. We have other things to be doing here. if you don't want us to help you out, that's fine. Other factions will." It was not a bad thing if we just went straight to the military. We had business with them.

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