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33. The Many Temptations of Christ

32. Who Has Sabrina's Pack of Ciga

31. Simon and the Bullies

30. The Hacker

29. Nadine Looks Forward to Playin

28. Yuki Takes Lead

27. Karyn's Friend is Sabrina, Not

26. Yuki Speaks

25. Karyn Lays Low

24. The Trio is Looking for Someon

23. Leonard, Gladys, and Derek

22. Nadine the Musician

21. Karyn Gets Nadine's Necklace

20. Normalcy?

19. Someone Else Has the Jumper

18. Karyn Tries to Help Others

17. Kyla Fixes Herself.

16. Zoe and Sarah Become Friends

15. Panic Attack

14. Tidal Wave: Jon

Tidal Wave: The Many Temptations of Christina

on 2024-07-27 01:56:24

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"I ... I don't know," said the person still holding the pack of cigarettes, but wanting to open it and try one. So who was this person who had now acquired Sabrina's smoking habit?

Her name was Christina Shepherd...though her friends called her Tina. And even though she'd never had a cigarette in her life...she suddenly felt like she needed one. And it was going to be hard to get through the day without it.

When students were ordered to class, she slipped out of a side entrance, pulled out a lighter, and lit up. She felt a release and a calm she couldn't quite identify. She felt...relaxed somehow. As if what was bothering her just faded. She knew it was bad for her, but she didn't particularly care. She needed this.

She began to have other urges....urges that felt right, but part of her was certain were new. She felt a need to express herself somehow, and she wasn't sure how yet. She was still missing something.

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