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275. New AEP

274. Wild West

273. Tactical Lie

272. Upgrades

271. A Big War

270. Traveling

269. Dismissal

268. Servicing

267. Last Chance

266. Proposals

265. Celebrating

264. It Works

263. Pounding

262. Quick Shot

261. Visitation

260. Hybridity

259. Membership

258. Diplomacy

257. Sympathies

256. Healthcare

Birth of 01

avatar on 2024-07-24 20:22:34

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Clan Pump and Dump visited us again. Their first AEP unit was now born and ready to be shown off to their liege clan. This was a huge moment for them. I made sure it was clean and the Main Hall was ready to receive them. I was taking this as seriously as possible to respond to their feelings. They introduced me to the unit. He was male presenting now, but had a rather androgynous body and outfit. That was fine with me. I did not care what the unit wanted to look like. He was a hybrid like all the others in our clan. He had both Cold and Magnetic AEP organs. His cold organ allowed him to shoot spikes of ice from his stomach. I liked that power. It gave him some ranged ability in a combat scenario. His magnetic organ halved damage from metal weapons and projectiles. As a hybrid AEP unit, his organs were only half the strength of a pure blood's. Since this was how he was at his base state, I decided to get him upgraded. Clan Pump and Dump looked ecstatic. We went down to the lab. First up was giving him the golden memory nanites he needed. He got his fill easily enough.

Once given the option, it was no surprise that he took the plasma cannon. He put it in his chest. His magnetic organ was in his lower back. When Allison came by, she informed them about the secret guns in the butt. All of the cyborgs in Clan Pump and Dump looked really skeptically at me. I just shrugged my shoulders and glared at all of them. I said "What!? You think you liege clan is idiotic for having a stealthy option for assassination or in a dicey combat? C'mon. Let all of your opinions be heard. I'm waiting." That was an obvious threat. Every single one of them knew it. They all backed down immediately. In fact, they went so far as to make their AEP unit put a pair handguns that shot toxic rounds in his ass. One gun per butt cheek. Being the boss was great. Allison was pleased that they also had that weird modification. She made that clear from her smirk as it was downloaded. She was a devious one. 12-001 came to see what all the commotion was and saw them. He immediately challenged the new AEP unit to a fight. "This mutt thinks that he can be one of us. No way!" he spat.

Looking at them, I said "12-001 is our prisoner. Pay him no mind. You don't have to fight if you don't want to." 12-001 glared at me. He was not going to back down here. I did not want this to happen at all. The last thing that I needed now was for the new AEP getting traumatized like 06-003. I also shuddered to think how annoying it would be for 12-001 to have a win like this to brag about. I was surprised when he said that he was willing to fight. He had a determined look on his face. Clan Pump and Dump seemed to approve. I shook my head. "Fine. Let's go up to the dojo." I said through grit teeth. 12-001 had the nerve to smirk at me. I asked the new AEP what his name was. He had none. The officers of Clan Pump and Dump simply called him 01. If it was good enough for them, it was good enough for me. When we got to the dojo I got in the middle. I was the officer here. "Okay. Let's begin the exhibition match between 12-001 of Magnetic Clan and 01 of Clan Pump and Dump." I counted them down and they began fighting. It was a close battle, but 01 edged out the win using his ice.

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