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5. Diving glasses

4. swap body parts

3. The Next day

2. Family heritage

1. You Are What You Wish

diving glasses

on 2024-07-23 15:47:17
Episode last modified by Julenosm2 on 2024-07-24 11:14:42

704 hits, 116 views, 4 upvotes.

Body_Swap Part_Swap Part_Theft

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"oh nice options, I always wondered how it's to see the world with a perfect visión" exclaims Mom

John puts the diving glasses of her mom, and starts feeling the changes on his eyes. His visión begins to become increasingly blurry, while his mom starts to become more clear.

"John this is incredible, I can see so clear now!" Says his mom excited

John puts again the glasses to clearly see that his mom now posses his own green eyes, but no only that his mom also has John's hairy eyebrowns, while looking his reflection, he now has his mom's beautiful blue piercing eyes and small and feminine eyebrows.

"You look cute with my eyes and eyebrowns, while I look very strange witt yours" says his mom

"I know mum, you blue eyes that now I posses are incredible, but I can't see clearly, unless I wear you glasses.

"Well, that's a problem, but no for me" says his mom while leaving with John's eyes with perfect visión

" I cannot believe that she left me like this" says John

While his mom has gone outside, John thinks about a revenge for her, taking some of her parts.

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