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88. Upstairs

87. Time stands still

86. Jon is Delayed

85. 3AM

84. Change of the Social Calendar

83. Self Image

82. Stage 2

81. Jon Makes a List (Alt)

80. The Middle Child

79. Addition and Subtraction

78. Interlude

77. Test Subject

76. Lunchtime

75. When Technology and Magic Meet

74. A Night off

73. It's Time

72. The Build-Up

71. Afterwards

70. Stopped in the nick of time.

69. The new arm of the law

The Workmen: Upstairs

avatar on 2024-07-22 13:48:29

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Jon was looking around the upstairs bedrooms. Yes, bedrooms although it looked as if the Blue Clad Men were turning a spare room back into a bedroom. That must have been the room that Yuki used before she became Julie he thought. The Blue men continued their work ignoring him as he thought they would. There has to be a logic to this he thought.

The first person that had been moved had not changed. They were no longer moving people they were changing them. Yuki was a Japanese girl and now she was Julie a white girl. That wasn’t just moving people. They had completely changed her race as well as her personality. How had they done that he wondered.

Just as he thought that he saw the blue men carrying a body towards him. He knew that he had to move. He saw a 16-year-old girl getting closer to him. She had a slight Asian look to her but she was not Japanese. Then he remembered Sarah when she had first arrived as his sister she didn’t look like a Madison maybe this girl would look more like a Meshida as time passed unless he stopped this whatever it was.

It was at this point that Jon recognized her. It was only from the old high school yearbooks of his mother. He had been bored one night before the stone had come into his life and he had found his mom's old yearbooks. He had been able to identify his mother fairly quickly but there was a blonde standing next to her that he couldn’t. His mother had told him that was Lorraine Cochran now Lorraine Meadows.

Biff's mother had finally returned. It had been days since he had seen or heard anything about her. He had occasionally seen her former son now Biff Ferguson in school. No one in the town seemed to even remember the Meadows family. He wondered if Biff’s former father and Brother had been placed in a new life yet.

The blue men had finished placing Rorēnu Meshida into her new bed and continued to place items in the room around her.

Across town, as Jon was watching Rorēnu getting placed in her new family someone was being placed in their new home.

Lydia Warren had enjoyed her time as a teacher at the local Elementary school but now thanks to the blue-clad men that was coming to an end. She was slowly being carried out of her apartment and placed in the back of one of the black vans that Jon had been following for the last few days.

As Lydia was being taken out her replacement was being carried in. She was someone who had never given teaching a second thought some of her teachers had gotten on her nerves. She could not see why anyone would want to have to deal with any rugrats such as the ones that Lydia did.

As the blue men finished placing the new teacher on her bed and made sure that all of her personal belongings were in place otherwise Zelda Warren would notice when she woke up in a few hours to get ready for work. The black containing Lydia sped away towards the warehouse so that Lydia could begin her journey toward her new life.

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