Jon stood rather awkwardly amidst the cheerleaders, not quite sure what she should be doing. She found herself strangely excited at the prospect of performing in front of so many people, and had to wonder if that was a native sensation to her or something manifested in her by the wish. Either way, when she wrung her hands it wasn't from anxiety but rather anticipation. If she had any anxiety it was over her wearing frumpy clothes on her frumpy body while being surrounded by so many attractive and fashionable girls.
Mrs.Arden seemed to pick up on Jon's nervousness and assured her that her role was quite simple, and Jon smiled in return. The team was coached on the sequence and began to drill. Apparently it was just a previous dance with a few changes for the Pep rally and Homecoming. Jon's role really was simple. Basically she was supposed to cheer on a certain cue, stand to the side with her arms crossed nodding her head to the music at another cue, then run into the center of the dance squad for a huddle and break. There were a few choreographed motions that she was instructed to join in on, but she was mostly free to do as she wished to hype up the student section.
She wasn't really dancing at all, just acting as an accessory to the cheerleaders, and Jon was just fine with that.
A few other students were hanging around on the bleachers watching the practice. Karen was one of them, and Jon kept looking up to her as she laughed and enjoyed the sight of Jon intermingling with the other girls. She couldn't help but blush, but she really was pretty glad to be there. When Mrs.Arden told Jon she was free to go, and that the rest of the practice was for the girls to hone some of the finer maneuvers, she actually volunteered to stay... Or at least she would have if the flash of a wish hadn't of obstructed her view.
She quickly looked up to Karen, expecting her to have seen the same thing, but rather than seeing the blond wigged girl bundled up in loose winter clothes, a completely different girl met her wide eyed gaze. The new girl had Karen's old hair, only shaved on one side. She looked much like Karen used to, but with a killer body, and pale skin. Her eyes were dark, and she wore a black leather jacket with hip hugging pants. A heavy leather belt lined with D rings wrapped around her waist.
The girl frantically beckoned Jon over, and she obliged just as frantically.
"JON!" She whispered intensely. "Where's the stone!"
"I-I left it at home. I didn't want Sharah to steal it while I wash at practice!"
"We have to go, NOW!" She hissed.
Jon nodded, excused himself from practice, and the two hurried home as quickly as they could manage.