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19. Let's get these things off!

18. 12 hours Later...

17. Same day, different perspectiv

16. Flashback to Sarah

15. Hello Sister

14. Catching up with Karen

13. What? No Way!

12. Aching New Smile

11. Getting Diagnosed

10. Jon's First Day

9. Frumpier. Nerdier

8. The Ultimatum

7. The Next Day

6. Our New Lives...

5. Homely Beginnings.

4. Sarah Hatches A Plan

3. The Bitch Makes Her Move

2. episode two

1. You Are What You Wish

Brace Face: Getting Them Off?

avatar on 2017-02-05 15:14:37
Episode last modified by Perri on 2018-04-16 18:53:43

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The two watched her go as smiles beamed on their faces. Sarah just approved some of the best wishes they could have made. "Maybe we should have wished for even more? I didn't think she'd approve that one."

Kare nodded her head, then yelped softly as her hair shifted on her head. "Oh god... Jon, look" She tugged lightly at her curly locks, which seemed slightly more frizzy than before, and the whole cap shifted. Slowly, she lifted it up revealing a tight hair net, and her original auburn hair beneath it. She begin to pinch the short strands and tug them down in front of her face. "Yes! It's my old hair!" Well, not exactly my old hair, but it's the same color at least." She beamed happily, which means...She discreetly brushed her breasts and looked down into her shirt. "Y-yeah... They're fake... It's going to suck being without for a while, but I can't wait for it to grow back in! This is great!"

Jon joined in on her enthusiasm and exclaimed. "And yeshterday'sh wish ish shtill affecting you ash well! Thish ish great!" She shakes her fists enthusiastically. "And I'm getting my brachesh off today! Haha. I only had to deal with them one day!" But her brow furrows as she runs her teeth along her mouth. "They're shtill crooked though... Maybe I'm jusht getting the expander thing out? Ugh... and my nails are still painted too... I thought they'd go back to the way they were." She shrugs. "Shtill, thish ish a great shtep in the right direction."

He texts his mom to meet him at the corner block again, who responds promptly. "I don't know if I'm going to be off the whole day again... I mean, getting your brachesh off is a big deal!" She laughs, then turns sympathetically to Karen. "I'm shorry you've had to go through this by yourself."

Karen just shakes her head. "Don't worry about me, that first day was the hardest, I'm sure it'll get easier now." Jon nods, and walks part of the ways to school with Karen before turning back to meet her mom.

She practically leaps into the car with enthusiasm.

"We'll, someone's in a better mood." Ms. Gibson begins.

"Mmhmmm." She responds. "Karen and I had a good morning."

"Well good~! I'm glad for you." The pair swap small talk about school, and Television, and the highschool games but spend most of the trip in silence. Finally they reach their destination and Jon's mom prods him in the arm.

"Now remember young lady, you are going to apologize to that nurse!"

Confusion falls over her mind. Did she do something wrong in this reality too? Or maybe she had similarly had an appointment yesterday to have the braces inspected before they were removed. She sits swinging her feet in the waiting room, something she was too tall for as a boy, when the same blond assistant walked out.

"Marie Gibson?" Jon gets up and follows her back obediently until he reaches one of the rooms. As they walk Jon makes his modest apology, requiting a hug and the assistant saying "Awww, that's ok sweetie. I know how it can be." She laughs. "You should have seen me at your age, My teeth were the worst!" Oddly, it really was encouraging when Jon considered how flawless her smile was. "Now, hop on up. Dr.Mither will be here shortly to check on everything and fit your headgear!" She smiled again as she closed the door behind her.

For the second time in 24 hours Jon was speechless. A shock of a tingle washed across her mind and she gripped the side of her chair to stabilize the intense vertigo that struck her. She thought that maybe the wish had been interpreted oddly, but to have it completely ignored?! Just like the previous night, as the shock settled, only one thing could come to her mind.


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