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Epsilon and Alpha

avatar on 2024-04-12 19:41:13

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They could grow a dick and slurp up the nanites from inside female PEA units. It was the reason they could make one even though they had not been given their sexual upgrades yet. 12-001 shifted his hips a bit in seeming discomfort. It was supposed to be automatic. At least, that was what my research had led me to believe. However we thought it should go, there was a problem here. I could not ignore that. He was being really difficult. To be fair, this was to be expected. He was our prisoner and an enemy from a hostile clan in the Conqueror faction. "Req-request... denied." he stuttered in defiance. I did not know that something like this could happen. "Why should I have to play along with these weaklings. I don't want to even mess with your stupid female PEA units." he complained. I glared at him until he whined out loud. "Okay!! I will do it then." he snapped. He then pushed Alpha off of him harshly. "I'll be the one on top. I can't stand you Advocates trying to take advantage of me. I'm stronger than all of you." he declared imperiously. I did not care. He was willing to do it for us now.

Alpha had to request for the needed link again. He did not deny it this time. "Request granted." he said with a frown on his face. The tentacle dick that 12-001 had formed reached into her. The memory nanites were supposed to be slurped out, and that is exactly what happened. "Memory nanite ejection confirmed." Alpha said, sighing out loud. For her, it was like a massive minute long orgasm. She let us know when she was finished. "Memory nanite ejection confirmed." she said. Even those nanites trickled out of the angry AEP unit and onto the PEA's thick thighs. From there, it dripped on the floor when she got up. We would need to clean all of this up eventually. A mess like this would be very gross to work in. We only had one more PEA unit left to go. That was Epsilon. The same process happened with her. She asked for the retrieval link. All of the memory nanites inside of her were sucked out. They were then rejected by 12-001. None of them had been able to make a PEA memory chip. Our next attempt would hopefully all work out better. It would have to be at another time.

12-001 got up and yelled at them angrily. He was apparently upset that his time here was wasted. I did not blame him. He was an enemy that we forced to come down here to be our test subject. For a proud Conqueror like him, that was major insult and slight to his ego. If he was a Researcher, I bet he would leap at the chance. I had a hunch this would cause some problems going in. There was not a doubt in my mind that he did not want us to succeed. However, that childish personality of his would probably still want to use the cool new nanites for his own purposes and boost his stats. I did tell him to leave us. There was no reason he had to be down here if he was not going to be nice. 12001 left with a huff after giving all of the PEA units here a nasty, final insult. It sounded like he learned it from one of them members of Void Clan. I simply shrugged my shoulders and looked at the mess. I decided to strike while the iron was hot. "Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta and Epsilon. I have a new mission for you to complete." I said. They perked up. "Clean up your messes and report back." I said.

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