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219. Distraction

218. More Failing

217. The Next 2

216. 1st Attempt

215. Spreading

214. Installing

213. Grunt Work

212. PEA Units

211. Abandon

210. Boy Toy

209. A Rent Boy

208. Susanna

207. New Vows

206. More Churches

205. Big Conflict

204. Exploitation

203. Leaving Us

202. Our 5 PEAs

201. Last Album

200. Friendship

A Death in the Family

avatar on 2024-04-12 18:12:45

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It did not take too long with the 5 of them working together. I looked over the lab and nodded my head. "Good job everyone. That was a job well done." They all smiled as the upgrade refilling itself was a pleasurable experience for them. Now, all their memory nanites would be silver. They would have a 91% chance of success. We would have to do something about it later. Paul and Brett came down to the lab. They wanted to know what the results of the test were. I had to tell them that they had failed. All of the PEA units hung their head in shame. It really was not their fault. Before I could think of something to say, they got over it. The 5 of them left the lab. I just sighed. It was a weird thing. "Listen up. Major Watts is here. He wants to go to Void Clan to get to the transmission hub." Paul said. Brett smirked with his hands behind his head. If he was happy, he was coming along. We had agreed on that last time. Paul would be the one to stay behind and manage things. He was not looking forward to that at all. "It is going to be boring!" he whined. I rolled my eyes. "Just play with the AEPs."

For us, it was time to get ready to prepare. Parker, Kyan and Chase were adamant that they come along. I shook my head. "This is not time to play. We're going there to borrow 13-001's power to teleport. That transmission hub is ours." The 3 whined at me and tried to give both Major Watts and Brett puppy eyes to be allowed to go. It was clear they had an affinity for the settlement. Brett was not having it. Major Watts was a bit sheepish. "We need 3 of them to hack the transmission hub anyway. Why not take them?" he asked. I rolled my eyes. "AEP units have the emotional maturity of children. I don't want them getting distracted by the urge to play with the other AEP units and the children of the settlement." "We're not going to get distracted on the mission." Kyan whines. Chase nodded and added "We're super serious. They don't like you there, Brianne." Parker pouted and said "We're more popular and even more trusted. We need to go. 13-001 won't let you in if we're not there." I just groaned. "Fine then. You can come along. But it is going to be really dangerous. Be ready." I said.

Other AEP units wanted to come too. The trio of Parker, Chase and Kyan were seen as heroes in their own right from the tales of their exploits in the settlement. There is a special kind of clout that heroes of a clan got. Every single one of them wanted to contribute to the clan in some way. That was all well and good to hear, but I was not interested in babysitting them. Having them derp themselves into a trap would be really bad. I looked over at the major. "Are we certain that we have everything we need for this mission!? It's not like we'll be able to just run away once we are stuck down there." I said. He just looked at me. Major Watts said "The settlement will be stocked full with weapons. It will be enough to fight." I hoped that would be the case. It was now time to go. The 3 AEP units were very happy to be coming along with us. Parker in particular was enthusiastic and talking among his fellow cyborgs. Honestly, I was sure that they were not appreciating the stakes here. Either way, we were going to be the ones to fight Cold Clan. This would end a large conflict in the eastern quadrant.

A lot of guns and government toys would be available to us there. Just as we were going to to leave, Jake and 3 AEP units arrived. Major Watts was very angry. I was not as angry. I did ask them why they were here. Jake just looked at me. "I am here at the request of Hunter. Unfortunately, he got the news that his father died." he said. I looked at Brett in confusion. "Did Hunter come to you about this?" He shrugged his shoulders. "I am not that close with him. It'd be weird if he did." he denied. "I've been busy in the labs. He has access to me though as an officer and he's never come to me." I confessed. I pulled out my phone and called him up. Hunter's voice was really shaky. "I just heard the news. Sorry for the loss of your father. Jake and his kids are here." I told him. He blew his nose and said "Thank you. Do you think you can come with me? My dad was the one that encouraged me to not have to be a corpo like everyone else. He was the one that got me into computers." That was probably very devastating. I looked at Major Watts. "I think we need a rain check. Family is family."

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