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56. Base of Operations

55. Minds Think Alike

54. Finding a New Vocation

53. Clearing the Mind

52. Escape from Deadbeat Manor

51. The Support of a Goth

50. A Classy Joint

49. Waking Up in a Nightmare

48. Return to the Pink Office

47. Runaway Mother

46. Roadside Fun

45. Desperately Seeking Jon

44. The Bimbo Grindset

43. Nice Walk in a Corrupt World

42. Spell Casting is Boring

41. A New Hand Touches the Stone

40. The Date Continues

39. Snooping Linda

38. Bowling for Biff

37. A Taste of Popularity

Base of Operations

on 2024-04-11 08:14:21

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Karyn's parents were over the Switzerland skiing, so the house was empty. Karyn made use of this time to bring guys around, it saved money on renting motel rooms. Either that, or her and Jon would usually sit up watching one of his reality shows and doing each others braids.

"You can all stay here tonight if you like, there's a spare bedroom and plenty of space on the couch," Karyn said as she switched on the tv in the main room. On the screen was Nymphs, one of the new reality shows that everyone was talking about. It followed young college age girls as they partied and dated in seedy bars. After they showed Eliza getting pounded by two men at once, there were plenty of complaints. But Zeus Corp made the great point that everyone wanted to see it on tv, since it was giving great role models to young girls. And they were right! Nymphs merch was a huge market, Karyn and Jon even owned three Nymphs tops each. Hell, for a short time it was a popular makeup trend in the city to have fake cum on the corner of your mouth, just like Daisy had for an entire episode!

"Oh I love Nymphs!" Jon called out. He was held close by Biff, who was now fully taking on the protective boyfriend role. Karyn thought they looked cute, and she noticed one of Jon's hands was still rubbing Biff's crotch.

"That's not real either, Jon," Athena sighed, "This whole Zeus Corp thing came out of nowhere. It's some sort of misogynistic power play by an emotionally insecure assh-"

"Well I don't care if it misjinist or whatevs! Didn't you see when Daisy cheated on her boyfriend with those sailors? That's like the best tv!" Jon was getting flustered now. He didn't like thinking too hard, and trying to work out what was real and fake was too much. Why did used to be so easy at the start?

"Leave him alone," Karyn called out from her bedroom. She hadn't had a good change of clothes in two days, and her bathrobe was calling her. "We're all just a bit tired after today. If we are going to find the stone, we need some rest first."

"Yeah, you're right," Athena said. This whole day was strange. She didn't know how to bring up what she saw when she put on the pendant. But this reality was so very wrong.

More importantly, she was now sitting in the house of one of the more popular girls in school. Athena had always been bad at making friends, preferring to push people away so she could read her books. But more and more she felt lonely, wondered what it would be like to just... hang out?

What she did know was she didn't really want to hang around a couple like Jon and Biff all the time. Jon was sitting on Biff's lap on the couch, watching the trashy show with glassy eyes. Biff had his hands on Jon's chest and his mouth locked onto Jon's neck. Jon just kept giggling over and over, eyes locked on the screen where a young redhead was talking about getting a boobjob so she can further her career in amateur porn.

Athena wondered if Jon really wanted all of this. This all read like it was from the mind of a pervert, someone with little thought about the world beyond sex. Is this world of prostitutes, evil corporations, genderbent nymphomaniacs and mind-controlling chauvanists really the ideal world for someone like him?

He certainly seemed happy on his bully's lap right now, judging by the tent in his mini skirt.

Karyn came back into the living room, having lit another cigarette. She knew chain smoking was bad, but it calmed her down so much. "Alright, I'm going to stay up a little longer, but the bed should be made if anyone wants to sleep."

Biff whispered something into Jon's ear, causing him to bite his lip.

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