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5. Lilabeth and Beth

4. Brian's character comes to lif

3. Bruce is too cool for school

2. One classroom changes forever.

1. The Drafting Board

Unexpected Changes: Taken over by a demon

on 2024-03-30 05:36:54

315 hits, 31 views, 2 upvotes.


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That was weird…

Brian blinked as he tried to recall what had ‘just’ happened a few moments ago.

It was like everything he experienced was some weird ‘dream’ and he was waking up. Hiis memories were kinda… fuzzy and for a moment he feared something serious had happened to him, and he was about to wake up in a hospital or something… but he was now in class.

Brian felt refreshed somehow, not quite so tired… not feeling like he had lost any sleep at all. Yet it was clear time had moved forward in his absence. He felt somehow a little ill at that thought, and acutely disturbed. Glancing at the window it appeared to be morning. He looked around for some kind of explanation, yet nobody seemed to be all that bothered. Other students were all around him, but… something was weird. They were wearing uniforms, not unlike a Japanese comic book. Girls wearing those strange exotic sailor fuku outfits with whites and light blue, the boys wearing darker shades of blue with collars around the neck.

“Did you fall asleep?” A girl asked smiling suddenly walking to his desk.

Brian stared at her. Was... was Jessica talking to him!? She seemed to be acting friendly… it was unlike anything he had experienced before from her, or anyone. The dark brunette was a girl he liked… but she never wanted to talk to him. Never. In fact, those attempts were so clumsy and awkward it was clear she never wanted to talk to him again. “Uh…” Then he gasped.

Something was ‘very’ wrong. He glanced down seeing a girl’s uniform… not unlike the one and what appeared to be a girl’s body. She looked down at her hands, her form, seeing small but noticeable breasts, somewhat on the larger side then the other young teenagers. How could he not notice? The sensations of this body, he could even feel the different that existed between his- well ‘her’ legs. She started to breathe deeply. “E-H- Eh-verything is fine!” She suddenly said.

“Ha, I’m glad!” Jessica giggled. “You looked like you had seen a ghost.”

That… that wasn’t right. Why did she say that! Of course something was wrong. Everything was wrong! The confused girl tried to say something else. Something like: ‘What happened last night? Why am I here? Why am I a girl…’ yet all that came out was:

“Can I borrow your makeup mirror?”

Jessica smiled and nodded at that. “You know you don’t need it silly. I guess you must like looking so much more mature than the rest of us,” She huffed a bit. “How did you get so lucky?”

The mirror was placed into Brian’s hand… and she was able to look at herself. The girl was… pretty. Very pretty. The hairstyle was just like… something he had imagined. Twin tails, long red hair, a ribbon…

“Yep! It’s me!” The girl in the mirror suddenly waved making Brian drop it. “Ah!” She gasped. “I- I- uh- need to go to the t-” she started but then finished with ”little girl’s room!”

Jessica looked at her friend with concern. “Sure, Miss Hazel will be here soon though so you best hurry. Oh- I hope we get to see the mouse-boy in his cute new uniform too!” She smiled. “You don’t want to miss that!”

Like he wanted to be reminded of how popular Bruce was.

Brian got up rather quickly, feeling her new skirt brushing across her thighs. This was wrong… so wrong! She started to walk- then moved at a much faster pace towards the bathroom. Why couldn’t she say the right things! ‘Well. If they were the right things I’d let you…’ a thought came to his head.

“Urgh- what’s inside my head…” Brian became more and more afraid. She could feel her somewhat large B cup sized breasts softly bouncing, contained in a bra- this had to be a dream! A crazy dream! This wasn’t right… She had to see- ‘Wrong bathroom hun,’ the voice said as her legs just ‘froze up’, pirouetted on one toe and ‘danced’ into the girl’s bathroom instead. “No- I can’t go in there!” She protested but her legs didn’t seem to listen to her at all! Her hands reached out to open the door as she went into the most ‘forbidden’ of areas-

‘Relax…’ the voice inside her groaned. ‘Honestly it’s fine. You ARE a girl…’

Something was controlling her, moving her like a puppet… she felt the control on her stop for now though. In the girl’s bathroom above the sinks… she was looking at her reflection again. Curious red hair… twintails of hair in a rather specific pattern… that reminded her of her character- “Hi Brian.” Her lips said suddenly moving of their own accord.

“Mph!” She put her hands on her mouth- but her hands quickly moved away from there and were placed behind her back as she took a far more feminine pose, pacing across the floor. “Let’s get a bit more comfortable, shall we? Let’s just make sure nobody disturbs us…” Someone was talking through her? Brian- or rather Brian’s body gestured to the door, glowing to seal it… then the girl saw her features begin to change in the mirror. With a soft poof, white horns appeared above her hair at a slight angle. Soft black wings of a bat grew from her shoulder blades, somehow her clothes accommodating their presence. This was followed by another poof of her devilish tail appearing, now sneaking out from her skirt. “EEEK!” Brian gasped. “What’s happening... what’s happening to me!” She suddenly almost lost her balance. “I- I have a tail.. I’m a girl.. a demon…”

“Yep!” she said talking to herself and began to wiggle her tail. “Lovely to let loose… so have you figured out who I am…” she girl smiled looking in the mirror at her ‘other’ self.

Brian stared at her… It couldn’t be... it just ‘can’t be… “…Lilabeth?”

“In the flesh!” She gave a bow. “Well, sorta… I’m in your flesh. I made a few adjustments. I also changed the memories of a few of our new friends… your life is ‘really’ dull… and the way people treat you? Pft… I think I should turn them all to jelly!”

Brian was in shock… this was wrong. “G-Give me back my body!” She demanded. “I can’t look like this- I’m not… this!”

“Oh come on ‘Beth’, you’re no fun like this…” the voice sighed. “Come on, don’t you want to have a little revenge hm? Maybe just get back a bit at everyone that wronged you? We could destroy the school if you like. That might be fun!”

“W-what? No- no I’m not… please just- give me back my normal body!”

“Eh, fine…” She snapped her fingers and Brian was back… in her ‘girl’ form… an ordinary looking girl, with soft red hair. “More normal!” She demanded. Her hair then changed from red to black… “W-Why can’t I be a boy…”

“Well, I think this is better for us!” the girl inside giggled. “I am a demoness after all… and besides, we have a lot of work to do. So, let’s make a list, shall we? Who do we take our revenge on first? Dean? Sam? Oh! I made Jessica our best friend ‘ever’… as far as she’s aware. I’ve changed our grades into straight A’s as far as the teacher’s concerned… I mean we can have pretty much anything we want with my powers…”

Brian… or Beth started to become more fearful. “You… you took control of their minds?!”

“Eh? No! I can’t do that. I just altered their memories a little bit. I removed your old life from them and replaced it with a cute girl that they all knew they liked. As far as everyone is concerned, you have always been a girl… the best girl!”

“Why…” Brian felt her body shaking. This wasn’t what she wanted. She wanted to be popular sure, but… a popular girl?! Made into some puppet by a demon? This was a literal hell! He tried to recall jus how ‘powerful’ he imagined Lilabeth and if he was at least smart enough to think up a weakness… but there wasn’t one. Not that he thought of anyway. “Can’t I be a boy… you can’t just… change my life!”

“Well, I probably have enough power to turn you into a boy, but ,y magic isn’t exactly ‘infinite’ and I’m still drawing on its source… I expended a lot of power altering memories then changing our bodies… so unless you want others to figure out why a girl turned into a boy and appears to be very happy with it, I’m afraid you’re stuck with this.”

Brian … or Beth as she was now, felt a terrifying fear. The demon… it was inside her body. It made her into a girl… and it had access to incredibly powerful magic. Worse, it knew ‘every’ dark thought she ever had… every whim of desire she could have ever wanted… her darker side, waiting to be unleashed. How did this happen? Why did this happen! Was it even possible to fight her? “What… is your plan?”

“Hm…” Lilabeth pondered that. “Well, everyone here seems to think what happened to that other class was so very ‘cool’… I figure we’ll do the same thing. We’ll transform everyone in this entire school! Hundreds of students… the same thing will happen again. This school will be shut down, and everyone who was mean to us… will lose their friends. They will all be scattered…” The demon girl giggled. “They might even blame it on Bruce… Other transformed students will never be able to join in with normal humans… we’ll have our revenge on them all dear… every.. single.. one of them…”

Beth’s eyes raised as Lilabeth explained what she would do. It can’t be denied as Brian she had thought of stuff like that… she was so lonely… people treated her like crap! Suddenly… Lilabeth was giving her everything she had desired at the worst moments of her life. But… but… but… “I can’t let you do that Lilabeth…” She whispered. “I’ll tell people abo-“

“Quiet now!” She sighed. “Dear Brian, I ‘really’ wanted you be on board with this. Just sit tight, and you’ll come to enjoy it.”

It seemed Beth had no choice at all. She was just a passenger… Lilabeth had the ability to take over her body whenever she wanted. She wanted to cry in despair… she had to tell someone… her parents… a friend- if.. if she even had one…

…but Beth had no friends. She had nobody she could give some secret signal to that something was wrong… there were no options available to her.

“Oh Beth, don’t be sad… it’s not as nourishing as Embarrassment…” the demon sighed. “Look, I’m not unreasonable. I do want you to have fun in my form… so… let’s make a compromise. I’ll have control between morning and afternoon, and you can have it during evenings and night… and every week we swap over. As long as you don’t tell anyone about me while you’re in control. Deal?”

“F-Fine… deal…” Beth quickly accepted.

“I’m a demon bound to my word! Just remember, don’t tell anyone about me!”

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