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25. The Dinner Table

24. Linda Investigates

23. Running into Zoe

22. New Daddy in Town

21. Linda's Taste in Guys

20. What's Karyn Up To?

19. Like Mother Like Son

18. Lost in Translation

17. What Boys Want

16. Girl Talk

15. Cue Shopping Montage

14. Let's Go to The Mall

13. Brand New Biff

12. OMG Jon sounds so Cute!

11. Lunch time

10. Great Day for Leonard

9. Mrs Cummins' Slideshow

8. A Wish For a Fun Class

7. Remembering?

6. Meeting Karyn

The Dinner Table

on 2024-03-09 06:59:57

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Jon swishes his dress back and forth in the mirror. These clothes might be new, but they just look so cute! This one has a flowery design, giving off a summer vibe. The neckline is deep, but with his flat chest, Jon didn't really have to worry about that. Who knew trying on clothes could be fun!

When Jon hears dinner being made, he makes his way to the kitchen. Did his wish for Zoe change anything big? As he comes around the corner, he notices she definitely has new clothes on. A black latex tube top underneath a black fishnet top, and a black latex skirt. Her makeup still gothic, but much more defined, with winged eyeliner and shocking black lipstick popping against her still pale skin. It seems she has taken a few more trips to Jessie's too, as her lips look slightly bigger, although not as big as Jon's or Linda's, and there a few new piercings, one in her nostril and one in her belly button.

She doesn't notice his stare, but Zeus who is sitting across from her at the table does. "What's the matter Lil' Jon? Judging your sister's clothes again? Heh. You girls never change," Zeus chuckles. Jon never really liked Zeus, but mom seems to not listen to any negative thing about him. And calling him a girl wasn't even that new, he always judged Jon for not being that tall or muscular as if that's what's important. Can't a guy just like reality shows and magazines instead?

"Actually Zeus," Zoe speaks up "It was Jon who took me to get this outfit. He said it was super chic right now." She smiles up at Jon before going back on her phone. Wow. That's definitely the nicest Zoe has been in awhile.

Mom speaks up as she cooks dinner in her sweats (looking fabulous too). "It looks super good on you honey, are you going to wear it out tonight?"
"Yeah, totally," Zoe says "The Spiked Pit is having a big party tonight, should be a riot."
"I'm sure there will be plenty of boys," Mom giggles, putting the food on the table. That's a lot more salads than Jon expected, except for Zeus and Mikey, who's plates are filled with steak and rice. He guessed everyone else must be watching their figure, himself included.

Zeus smirks and paws at Linda as whe sets the plate in front of him. "Looks good babe. Just like you." With that, he playfully bites her in the arm. Linda giggles again. God he's so sexy, at this moment she barely cares where he came from.

Mikey sits at the table, and they all tuck into their food. Jon and Linda end up talking about some drama they've both been watching, while Zoe tries to listen in. Mikey turns to Zeus "I've been working on my biceps today, Zeus! When do you think they'll be as big as yours?" He flexes. Being the youngest, Mikey bonded with Zeus the quickest amongst the siblings.

Zeus smirks. "You've gotta keep at it buddy, and eat plenty of red meat and protein. None of that veggie crap. But you may never get as big as me, you may end up being closer to your little brother over there," he motions to Jon, which Jon notices. He gets instantly furious.

"Like, what's that mean Zeus?" Jon asks.
"Please sweetie, we don't need this," Linda says, unsure of who she is talking to.

"I mean you all came from that loser ex of Linda, the one who left. It's all the more likely that Mikey might end up more like you Jon, petite, weak, a bit of a beta. It's nature," Zeus says.

"That's, like, not even how nature works Zeus!" Jon snaps.
"How would you know? Not only is your body little, but so is that brain," Zeus laughs "I've seen your report cards, Lil Jon. Maybe spend less time staring at boys like your friend Karyn, and you might learn a little something about biology."

Feeling tears come to his face, Jon leaves the tanker and runs to his room. Linda is stunned. "Uhh... babe? Why do you have to say that to Jon?" Zeus keeps eating his steak, but puts one of his large hands on Linda's thigh possessively. "You know how Jon is babe, a boy like that needs a firm presence once and a while."

Linda would usually argue, but his hand feels so good against her thigh, she just holds her breath. What has she gotten herself into?

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