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141. A Victory

140. Dueling

139. Negotiation

138. Enemy AEPs

137. Trespassing

136. Dealing

135. Massacre

134. Controlled

133. The Results

132. Prostitutes

131. Rebelling

130. Positioning

129. New Labs

128. Factions

127. Immunity

126. Backstory

125. The Dwans

124. Hostages

123. Partying

122. Mooching

Paul Vs. 12-001

avatar on 2024-02-28 20:23:32

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Our local library was the venue. It was the safehouse of the town. Lt. Frederica Galleon was our special guest for the fight, so she and her companions arrived with us. It was going to happen at 12:00 midnight. We had gotten there a half hour earlier. 12-001 and 12-002 arrived 10 minutes before the fight was supposed to happen. The head librarian was the one that called us to attention. If we won, 12-001 would be under our custody. If Paul lost, all of us would be made to submit to the full authority of the Magnetic Clan. The 2 AEP units were hyping each other up. Paul looked at them and asked if they were ready. 12-001 looked at his fellow cyborg. "Give me some of your nanites. I want to crush this human into dust." he said darkly. 12-002 giggled and gave him quite a bit. They shared the same mother and father X-frame. I guessed that meant the nanites were compatible. That was nice to know going forward. It rose the difficulty of the fight. 12-001 was still level 65, but he had 50% more health now with that coat he was wearing. Paul was still going to win this fight. He was a real Devil.

Paul was simply playing with 12-001. He did not use any guns. There was no point. He was immune to all metal weapons and bullets. 12-001 was actually really clever though. He had a bag of coins. He was able to shoot them at the cocky opponent. Due to his magnetic powers, he could shoot them from his body a break neck pace. It was an amazing adaptation of his power set. Paul actually had to dodge to avoid getting pelted by the coins. Even then, he got tagged by a few of them. I could tell from his wincing that it hurt. That did not mean that it did much damage. Paper cuts hurt. No one dies from a single cut. Paul was not engaging 12-001 in direct combat. He was practically dodging almost everything that 12-001 was throwing at him. After 15 minutes, 12-001 got angry and balled his fists. "Stand still and fight me, human!" he demanded. Paul sighed and cleaned one of his ears with a finger. "Come here and make me." he said. 12-001 ran over to him and began to punch and kick like he was an MMA fighter. Paul was not expecting it. He was on the swim team, not a pro fighter.

Going toe to toe with him was difficult. At such close range, 12-001 was able to easily dodge Paul's punches and kicks. However, it only took a single grazing blow to do a lot of real damage to 12-001. When Paul scored the hit, it made 12-001 stumble back from him. "Gwah!" was the sound that he made. I do not know why he made that sound. It seemed that was what he was moved to say it. With the distance, Paul was able to charge in and tackle him to the ground. 12-001 grabbed onto him tight and maneuvered him into an armbar. Even though Paul was totally unequipped to get out of one, he was so strong that he was able to beat 12-001 by just swinging his fists at him from the position he was. That was more than enough as a Devil. 12-001 was knocked down to 0 HP. This made him revert to the gray nanite paste. He now had a smaller HP bar now. Paul go up while holding onto his left shoulder. "Fuck. He almost got me." he grumbled out loud. Frederica and her companions were all shocked at it. Paul stood over him. 12-002 rushed over and spread his arms protectively. "Stop!"

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