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126. Backstory

125. The Dwans

124. Hostages

123. Partying

122. Mooching

121. Perform

120. Winners

119. Awards

118. 9 Debuts

117. Settled In

116. Vassals

115. Denied

114. Exercising

113. The Girls

112. The Boys

111. 13 Hybrids

110. So Proud

109. Birthing

108. Covering

107. In House

12-001 Origins

avatar on 2024-02-24 08:20:01
Episode last modified by 1Ryguy1 on 2024-03-17 11:32:48

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Reeling from this fiasco, none of us were ready when the cops and the AEP unit came back to us at the same time. We simply locked the doors while the AEP unit began to solo the entire town's police force. All the androids and human officers were killed in cold blood. It did not even look like he was hit a single time. The AEP unit was level 65. Most human NPCs did not get past level 20 in their entire lifetimes. This was also a small, quiet town. No officer was a match for the cyborg. Only the PEP unit plants hiding among the police force on orders from the mayor survived. The hostile AEP unit said "I am 12-001. I am the AEP unit that was given for Magnetic Clan by the local transmission hub. Our clan is the leader of this region." That was a bold declaration. It was then that he turned to look over at us. Hunter jumped and hid behind me. The AEP unit pointed at us and said "I'm pissed off they get to bully all of the PEP units living here and steal our sires' glory. He was clearly angry and jealous. "They were not chosen, so how were they able to take upgrades and spawn their own mutts?"

Being a pureblood, he was strong and acting out like a child. Paul went out and walked up to him. The AEP unit glared at him. "Hey. Is it true that the transmission hub of the area put you here in this region?" Paul asked. The cyborg crossed his arms. "Of course. All 13 transmission hubs took on the job of adopting a pair of X-frames. The pilots were supposed to be the leaders of their lead clan for each region." He glared at us and said "My sire was placed at the zoo in Helios City, Location D. It was then overrun with all the humans and androids." It made sense that he would be one with a grudge. "He died and my mother was the only survivor. Since all the invading trash was exterminated at Location F, the transmission hub led a clandestine evacuation to that point. Only one other survivor made it. That was the mother of 07-001. We had formed an alliance together and will get our revenge one human at a time. Luckily, this transmission hub agreed with us on this. Humans should not be in any clans. It gave a mission to take care of the humans in your clan. Starting with you." he finished.

That was new information. The transmission hub that we got the upgrade from did not say anything. None of the PEP units in my clan seemed to be aware of this. I knew that there were multiple hubs spread out throughout the continent, but I thought that it was a single will controlling them. I did not know that they could disagree with each other. This changes everything. Since that was the case. I was going to have to get to the bottom of this. "I am going to apologize. I'm so sorry that this happened to you guys. But our clan teamed up with the Libra Force syndicate. He did not seem to care about that fact. "You should not have been there in the first place! Who asked you to go!?" he demanded. "Well, I was the one that suggested Location A and B for the next phase. I can't tell you who came up with what location, but E-G were all hacked and discovered. That's probably why there was an extraction point nearby for a pair of X-frames like your moms to escape to." I said. He looked shocked. He looked really angry and headbutt me. "Liars!" he accused as he jumped back and went hostile.

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