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184. Parents

183. My Kids

182. Complete

181. Targets

180. Contests

179. Anxiety

178. Lodging

177. In Visite

176. Culling

175. Advance

174. Shuffle

173. Hatred

172. Ruffians

171. Disgust

170. Whelps

169. Progeny

168. Exploits

167. Continent

166. Harem

165. Breakout

Family Living

avatar on 2024-01-27 01:08:58

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Ellenor took a very hands on approach to keeping both Aleyn and Rolant happy, healthy and safe. She wanted to know what they were going to do to raise them all. I did not really have a good answer for her. I wanted to play it by ear. She wanted to have a definite plan. Odelina was more similar to me. Rolfe and Abel were taken care of and that was enough in her mind. They were human-fiend hybrids. There were not many examples of this other then the children on the clerics. Fully fiend children were super intelligent and evil. Because they were supernatural, they were able to get a handle on walking and talking almost immediately. Because of the lawful nature they had, they tried to bully their siblings almost immediately. They had the higher status after all. They knew this because Wesez and Voxex were the ones to tell them. When they tried to bully the others, I stepped in to stop it. It was pretty easy. I just had to take the hybrids away from them or give the full blooded incubi a single spank. I did it to show they were not the top dogs they thought they were. I was. They all had to chill.

Time moved on. It was clear that while the Mage's Guild was not going to expel us for whatever Ororin and Nyrear were doing, they had decided to abandon us. There is nothing that we could do about the fact that they did not give us any missions. Maybe we could go out and find some justification for killing more mages or ranking up at the Adventurer's Guild. They hated us there too. However, they did not have to see us due to the ability to do things online. The best revenge, of course, was living well. I had the opportunity to do whatever I wanted to do. Since I had a family, I had to do my best to give them some legitimacy. I decided to give us a family name. It had to be something that would be easy to say and be immediately recognizable. I went with Wreck to stay on brand. My concubines and children were given the same last name as me. Ellenor and Odelina also got the last name changes too. They were the wives of my concubines. Our coven had a business as well. Expanding it would let us get more money and fame. That would always be great. We all were already adventurers.

Dancing and fucking was always a great money making strategy. However, we had cut corners due to the fact that most of us were not human. Due to the fact we did not need to eat food or sleep, we never invested in any places to stay. Now that we did have humans working with us here, we needed to start that. Larry and his hybrid child were still in the city. I went to him and asked to find some property to make a dorm house for them. Larry was not a happy man. Ororin left him and took the child she had with me away. One that Larry thought was his first born son. Both of them were dead now. I was the one that killed them. All of them in the deserters group were gone. It was not like he knew that though. He helped me find a place. It was a bit slower as he needed to stay home more to take care of his actual son. We found a house and bought it. The humans could live there. It was great for Nichol as he was not a local to the area. He had been in a hotel paying for a room until now. This would save lots of money for him now that he had a permanent residence. This was great for them all.

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