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148. Round 2

147. Questions

146. Tutorial

145. Stronger

144. Naked

143. Blackmail

142. Monks

141. Missions

140. Cultured

139. Success

138. Capable

137. Mother

136. Mishap

135. Manager

134. Identical

133. 5 Mates

132. Collecting

131. New Class

130. Equality

129. Finals

Signing Into the Guild

avatar on 2024-01-13 16:40:17

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Now that we were signed in, I was asked why we were here. "Bertie, Fulko, Jillisa, Helera, Kyleth, Ryrrahne, Sartila, Voxex and Wesez are all members of our coven that need confirmation tests to achieve the bronze rank. It makes sense to do it now while we wait for more Silver Adventurers to arrive. All the rest of us will be here to watch them for moral support." He smiled and said "We have 9 Bronze Adventurers waiting. Let us escort you down to the waiting room and the arena." People from all over gave us dirty looks and flashed their weapons. I did not care what these weak losers thought of us. I was concerned about the Silver Adventurers. They all had to be bad ass warriors to get this far without getting killed off. Everyone that to be was seated in the underground arena was while the other prepared in the waiting room. First up were the humans. Pentora cheered for Bertie to win, but that was it. Everyone else was either silent or booing. He was up against a fighter. Bertie had a dagger and cast his own Steel Wind Strike. He got 3 hits out of 5 before teleporting 5 feet directly behind him.

He won. Bertie saw no need to kill his opponent once he had a knife to his throat. When the referee declared him the winner, he let go. People were booing up a storm. It was really a shame. Bertie did not compete last time, but he and Fulko had come with us to see. He knew exactly why they had hated us so much. As a human, he was not immune to peer pressure and having both sympathy and empathy for other people. He looked really guilty. I was going to change that for him. I stood up and began to clap. "Get up! Clap for your fellow coven member." I hissed at the others. They had not choice but to comply. This move was so impactful that the others near us went silent. Bertie saw us clap for him and his face broke into a smile for the first time. This was the true victory. He went to the stands through a separate gate and joined us. I pat him on the back. "Good job." I said. He nodded his head. "Thank you." He sat down right next to me. Pentora was on the other side of him. The incubus praised the human. I hoped that all of the other fights went as well as Bertie's. Next up to fight was Fulko.

Fulko was quicker than his half elf opponent. I did not even know that there were elves. Apparently, they mostly were secluded either in large forests, walled off kingdoms or in underground civilizations. In other words, they were extremely far away and had little to no interactions with most humans. There were exceptions to every rule of course. Clearly, if there were half elf adventurers running around. Casting a cheeky Steel Wind Strike, he got in only the first 2 hits. The agile opponent was able to block the other 3. He also ducked the knife when it was placed at his throat. The half elf archer tried to shoot him at point blank range but Fulko kicked him with a roundhouse and scrambled on top of him. Now with the knife pressing against his jugular, there was not much the archer could do. He lost. We gave Fulko a standing ovation when he was declared the winner as well. He came over to me and said "I'm sure glad I learned that kick." I chuckled and pat him on the shoulder. "I told you." I said in a jovial mood. He sat on the other side of me. I wondered who would be next. We were doing great.

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