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141. Missions

140. Cultured

139. Success

138. Capable

137. Mother

136. Mishap

135. Manager

134. Identical

133. 5 Mates

132. Collecting

131. New Class

130. Equality

129. Finals

128. Concert

127. New Day

126. Funeral

125. First 3

124. Killing

123. Reception

122. Stubborn

The Temple

avatar on 2024-01-12 18:22:21

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I had a record of 32 completed missions when I became a Bronze Adventurer. All of the other incubi at the time were at 33 missions. 50 successfully completed missions was the requirement for the silver rank. With it being over a year since then, it was time to move up. There would definitely be another stir, but it probably would not be anything major. Being an adventurer was a dangerous job. Most people that hated us were hopefully retired or dead. The best case scenario was that everyone simply forgot what happened. We were in a city and not a small town. There was no end to the small, inconsequential tasks that people wanted done for them. There were even food deliveries on the board. After 4 weeks, an month in-game had passed. We each did 56 missions. The exp. gain was low, but we were leveling up slowly. Dancing at the clubs at night kept them well feed and sharp. Everyone was qualified for becoming Silver Adventurers. Bertie, Fulko, Jillisa, Helera, Kyleth, Ryrrahne, Sartila, Voxex and Wesez needed the bronze confirmation before they could become Silver Adventurers.

Boreneth, Praxel, Grulex, Felorin and Catnessa were also graining strength slowly as they continued training in their monk subclass. Because the temple now had all the monks stationed there, people came to the temple for more than just simple prayer and healing. When there were thugs causing trouble in the neighborhood around their temple, people asked them to deal with it. Jason, as the head priest of the temple, would sent them out. It was not always what they wanted to do. Since they were all fiends now enhanced with ki, it was easy to go in and kill them. They became known as local defenders of the neighborhood and praised. I heard on the news that a trio of teenagers had tried to graffiti the side of the temple with spray paint. They all were captured and fed on by incubi watching them from the Ethereal Plane. Then, they were blackmailed into serving a acolytes for the temple by as very shrewd Owen. Their duties were to pray, prepare the altar for rituals and keep the bed clean. Since all of them were clerics, it was a bit beneath them. Jason and Owen still had to beg for food.

This freed up the monks even more. When I visited, I saw them train. None of them had pants on. When I asked Jason why, he groaned and said "Just... go ask them." I blinked and realized that some fuckery was afoot. The reason I put humans in charge was so that they would be kept in line somewhat with human sensibilities. Going up to them, I decided to wait for them to take a break from training. I did not want to be a bother to any of them here. Boreneth, Praxel, Grulex, Felorin and Catnessa looked really happy to see me. "It was just as you said, Sir Wraxix!" Boreneth said happily. I waited for them to explain. Praxel nodded and said "Since we've been here, it has been nothing but feeding and getting stronger." "And the best part is these foolish humans praise us for feeding on them and killing their trash!" Grulex continued. Felorin finished with "Exactly as you said would happen." I nodded my head. "I think that we have it good here. That's why I wanted to bring more over to the Mortal Realm. I did have a question though." Catnessa asked me what it was. "Why don't you wear pants!?"

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