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101. Garrison

100. A Letter

99. Substitute

98. Internet

97. Forgery

96. 3rd Group

95. Reproduction

94. Protecting

93. Begging

92. Healing

91. Success

90. 2 Incubi

89. Coincidence

88. Lunchtime

87. Collection

86. Milking

85. Disturbance

84. Following

83. Laboratory

82. 2nd Group

Coven Mission

avatar on 2024-01-04 23:43:52

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Because I was not needed to help with that, it was time to go to the garrison to do their local mission. This was a coven mission so I wanted to a full show of force. There was no need to get anyone from the outside to join in now. We wanted to take all the glory for ourselves. There were 16 of us and 2 air elemental pets. That made 18. A full party was 6. We had enough for 3 parties. Grulilan, Zaranarax and Vohrear all wanted to be together in the same party. I told them that they could each choose one other member to round out their party. I took the 2 pets and their masters. I wanted to keep my ward close to me. Eventually, we were all on the same page with our big groupings. One of the entertainers came over to our party. Now, we had to go to the post where the garrison was stationed. When we arrived, we were ushered into their briefing room. It took a while for all of us to fit and be seated. The commander was the one to address us. He explained that this year had a higher amount of monsters in the wilds outside of the city. This was causing a massive trouble for the members of their city.

A drastic increase of the monster population interfered with travel. You could not travel to or from the city by foot without being attacked. That was bad for NPCs. They all would be slaughtered out there. There were lots of different species of monsters. Only the train could make the trip back and forth. Even then, all of the mobile monster types could mess up the tracks or simply cause delays by getting in the way while the train was trying to move forward. It was a serious situation. The monsters that had multiplied in particular were no joke. I watched the briefing intently. They were the four legged beasts the size of sedans. Their bodies were covered with tough brown chitin. Each of their paws had five long, razor-sharp claws. That could do lots of damage to a person. All of their mouths were massive maws of daggers. It sounded like they were really intimidating beasts. It did not end there though. All of them, even all their babies, had a long, red horn on their heads. These were used to gore their prey and enemies. Now that I think about it, they looked like they might be a bit too easy for us.

In order to cull the monsters they wanted us to kill 50 of them. That would be tough for a single party. For 3, it would be a bit easier. Now it was time to get out there and I could not wait. Personally, this was going to be the first guild mission that I would be taking up in FOG. We were going to start killing them. All of us were going to be working. They led us out of the city and into the fields. Now it was time to find the monsters and kill them. We had to get 50 of them. I walked around until I found a small herd of them. I smirked as I took out my spell book. I flipped through it to find a good spell for this. I decided to cast Sunburst. Brilliant sunlight flashed in a 60-foot radius centered on a point that I chose. For me, it was the center of the herd. Each creature in that light had to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creatures took 12d6 radiant damage and were blinded for 1 minute in real life. That was the same as a full hour in-game. On a successful save, it takes half as much damage and was not blinded by this spell. That was not all. I took the war magic subclass to supercharge.

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