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55. Jo infiltrates Sarah's father'

54. Jo traverses the golf course

53. Jo makes it home

52. Jo takes a break from her ride

51. Jo begins planning her heist w

50. Jo starts her ride back to Lak

49. Jo wakes up the next morning

48. Jo gets new breasts

47. Jo practices controlling her c

46. Jo uses her vendor pass

45. Jo heads back to the fairgroun

44. Jo packs up her gear

43. Jo comes to terms with the los

42. Jo gains Robin's work ethic

41. Jo meets her locker-neighbor

40. Jo hurries to the locker room

39. Jo gets lucky on the leg press

38. Jo heads to the machine room

37. Jo studies her new body

36. Jo wresltes with the fallout o

Teach You Not To Look: It's Called Social Engineering

avatar on 2023-11-30 19:20:25

1023 hits, 115 views, 4 upvotes.

Part_Swap Part_Theft

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”Now how do I get in?” Jo asked herself as she approached the back side of Sarah’s home. The backyard of Sarah’s father’s mansion blended into the grass surrounding the 18th hole of the golf resort. As Jo stood there unsure of how to get in, her eyes were fixated on the 2nd story balcony that was attached to Sarah’s bedroom. In her head Jo could see the countless selfies that Sarah had taken on that balcony. ”Could I climb the pillar?” Jo pondered as she stood there staring at the balcony.

The PING of a golf ball snapped Jo out of her trance. ”Shit!” She said softly as she hurried over to a nearby shrub and crouched down behind it. Unzipping her bat pack she pulled out the wire cutters. ”Now how the hell am I going to break in with these?..” Jo thought as she fiddled with the wire cutters. ”There’s got to be a different way in.” Jo shoved the wire cutters back in her bat pack and peered over the bush that concealed her presence.

”What’s this?” Jo thought as she watched a shirtless muscular young man walk out of the back of the mansion and into the patio area between the mansion and the pool. The man walked over to a group of scattered chairs. One by one he picked up each chair and carried it back over to the large table in the center of the patio area. ”This guy must be part of the help... Which makes sense...” Jo pictured 16 year old queen bee Sarah manipulating and toying with her male classmates. ”She was always such a narcissistic bitch... It would make sense for her to be so vain... And knowing Sarah this poor guy is probably all looks and no brain... Wait a second...” Jo looked back down to her bat pack. "I won’t be needing you." She pulled it close to the shrub and grabbed the hem of her tight T-shirt and knotted it up to show off her toned abs. ”I guess today I’m going to be Sarah’s new personal trainer.” Jo internally chuckled as she snuck along the shrubs until she finally found a spot to make it look like she was walking around from the front side of the mansion.

“Excuse me!” Jo said walking across the yard towards the shirtless young man. “I need your help?”

The man looked up from what he was doing and eyed Jo up. “Sarah’s not seeing fans today.” He said in a dopey voice. “Please go away.”

Jo let out an insulted sigh. “Excuse me. I’m not a fan. I’m Sarah’s new personal trainer!” Jo hooked her thumb into the waist of her jeans and pulled them down revealing more of her toned abs. “I was told to be her at 5pm.”

“Um...” The guy stopped and again looked confused. “Sarah didn’t tell me about a new personal trainer... Um... Hold on...” The shirtless “him-bo” walked over to the back entrance of the mansion and poked his head inside. “The clock says it’s only 3.” He said staring at Jo blankly.

Jo again let out another annoyed sigh. “Look. I am her to make sure Sarah stays in peak physical condition.” Jo strutted towards the daft man. “Do you want her to get fat and lose all of her followers?” Jo said in a domineering tone. The shirtless man began to look confused and scared. “Don’t make me call Sarah and tell her how rude her staff is treating me.” The anger in Jo’s voice was rising. “You know how pissed she gets when she’s interrupted on the golf course!”

“Umm... Umm... O... Okay.” The shirtless man motioned for Jo to come inside with him.

Jo followed the shirtless man into the mansion and into a lavish living room. “When will Sarah be back?” Jo asked in a stern voice.

“Um... like a couple hours or two... errr three.” Though the man was physically imposing he was clearly wilting under Jo’s stern and aggressive façade. “I’ll let her know.”

“DO NOT DISTURB HER!” Jo roughly poked the man in his muscular chest with her index finger. “Get back to work and leave me be.” The man started to walk back outside, but Jo held up her hand motioning for him to stop. “Is anyone else here? Maybe I can give them a free session while I wait.”

“Um no. Mark is gone and Anastasia left for the spa already.” The man said.

“Fine. Now go!” Jo motioned for the poor the shirtless man to leave. ”Holy shit that worked.” Jo thought as she stood there watching the scared man hurry back outside. As the man disappeared from sight Jo took a moment to study her lavish surroundings. ”This is so tacky...” She thought cringing at the over the top display of wealth. It was a stark contrast to the sleek yet simple interior of her parents home. ”There’s the stairs” Jo grinned at the long stair case that led up to the 2nd floor. In her head Jo could see an Instagram story of Sarah going up the stairs, down the hallway, and into her room. ”This is too easy!” Jo thought as she hurried up the stairs towards Sarah’s room.

With adrenaline coursing through her veins Jo approached the large double doors to Sarah’s room. ”I can’t believe I made it back here... Well made it back to Sarah’s room...” She thought pushing the right door open and peering into Sarah’s room. The giant bedroom was lavish yet messy. Designer clothes were piled on the floor in one corner of the room and Sarah’s vanity looked like it had been hit by a tornado. ”If I’m Sarah, where would I hide a magic stone?..” Jo asked herself as she tip toed into Sarah’s room. Looking around Jo was struck by dichotomy of fanciness and trashiness. ”She has all of these expensive things... Yet they’re just tossed into messy piles... It’s like she's a spoiled 10 year old...” Jo’s eyes scanned Sarah’s messy room. ”What if she hid it under her bed... Or in that dresser... Or in that closet... Or what if she has it with her...” Jo felt like her head was beginning to spin so she sat down on the stool in front of Sarah’s vanity. ”Where the hell would she hide that stone?” Jo though putting her hands on her face and slumping over as a sense of panic consumed her exhausted body.

Spinning around to face the vanity Jo straightened up, removed her hands from her face, and looked at herself in the mirror. ”You’ve come this far. Don’t give up!” She told reflection. Then Jo’s eyes went wide and darted down to the wishing stone that sat in plain sight on the corner of her vanity. ”O my god... My stone!” Jo snatched it from the vanity and held it in her hand. ”Is Sarah so stupid and narcissistic that she wouldn’t even feel the need to hide the stone?” Jo asked herself as series of bitchy Sarah memories began to play in Jo’s head. ”I guess she really believes that no one would ever steal from her... That or she’s just plain stupid now...” Jo thought shoving the stone in her pocket and hurrying out of Sarah’s room.

Back down on the main floor Jo darted towards the door that led out to the patio. “Freedom!” She said pushing open the door and sprinting out into the lawn. Looking over her shoulder she saw the confused and intimidated young man starring at her as she sprinted across the lawn. “Just warming up!” Jo shouted back towards the man as she snagged her bag from behind the shrub and began running back down the 18th fairway. ” I just have to get back home and I am free!” She told herself as she darted across the fairway and then across the next fairway. Jo’s aching body begged her to stop, but she willed herself through the pain and exhaustion.

With her heart pounding and her body aching Jo sprinted across the last fairway and into the woods behind her home. Crashing through the underbrush Jo batted branches away from her face as she barreled her way through the underbrush towards home. With her backyard in sight Jo attempted to jump over a fallen tree, but a branch caught Jo’s foot sending her tumbling forward. ”FUCK!” Jo gasped as she rolled through the last of the underbrush and out into her back yard. Not caring about the cuts on her arm, or the bat pack that was still back in the underbrush, Jo dug into her pocket and pulled out the wishing stone. “I did it!” Jo said as she lay there on her back marveling at the wishing stone her grandfather had given her. “I can’t believe I did it...” Tears began to stream down Jo’s face as she was overrun by emotion and exhaustion.

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