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7. Trying mental and reality chan

6. Japanese

5. Make Jenny Different Racial Ap

4. Jeff invites his girlfriend, J

3. 16-year-old boy

2. Chronivac Version 4.0

1. The Drafting Board

The next step in turning Japanese

on 2023-11-23 18:36:30

562 hits, 49 views, 1 upvotes.

FTF SciFi Size TF Unaware

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Some time later, after they'd had enough time to relax in the after glow, Jenny sprung up from the bed.

"Ah! That was great." She stretched her arms. "But there's one more thing I have to do."

"And what's that?" Jeff asked.

"Well, you know, I wanted to experience being another race, being a part of a different culture, but it's not like I am really doing that, right? I'm just me, but with an asian look. I want to be properly Japanese. You see here." She pointed at the Chronivac screen. "I can change mental stuff. Make it so that I know Japanese. I can also change reality so that I can live my new life as if it were normal."

"Sounds interesting, but try to be careful," Jeff said.

"Oh sure. I think I already have a good idea of what I want. I am going to be an exchange student. This will be my first year in the US. I will be fluent in Japanese. My English will be good for Japanese standards, but I will still struggle a bit and have an accent. You'll love that, right?"

"Um, sure." Jeff shrugged.

"What else. I'll change my food preferences. Oh, and mannerisms. Cultural knowledge."

Jeff could barely keep track as Jenny adjusted so many things.

"There. I think I am happy. Is there anything you want to change about me?"

"Can I? It feels weird changing something about your mind. I'm not sure if I feel comfortable doing that."

"Lame." Jenny giggled. "Change something about my body then." She switched over to the physical tab. "I'll be staying like this for a while, so make a good choice."

"Let's see." Jeff looked at the screen, then at the naked Asian Jenny. She was really cute, but if he could change something about her. He looked at her modest chest.

Jenny noticed where he was looking. "You wanna change my boobs?" She cupped her small handfulls.

"Ehrm, yes, but you said I could change something about your body."

"I guess I said that. That's my bad. But that doesn't fit the cute japanese stereotype. It's not like I have no boobs, and if I make them larger, a lot of cute J-fashion doesn't fit me right."

"Never mind then."

"No. It's fine. I know what we can do to make both of us happy."

Jenny pulled up Jeff's screen. Then she went to his preferences. Jeff cringed as Jenny moved to what his sexual preferences were.

"Milfs? Impregnation? Twins?" Jenny read some of the things listed and burst into laughter. "You're into a lot of stuff Jeff."

"Please stop," Jeff begged, beet read.

"Yeah, yeah. Let's move to what we're here for. Slight preference for larger breasts? Let's change that to a strong preference for smaller ones. And once we're here. Let's add racemixing to impregnation shall we. And milf? Let's completely remove that. We'll replace it with a fascination for smaller cutesy girls, like me!"

Jeff cringed. "Can we skip this?"

"We could skip this, but we could also make it so we're not dating in this new reality. If we're going to date, we need to be properly compatible, don't you think?"

Jeff didn't quite agree, but nodded.

"Then we're ready. Let's go!"

Jenny pressed apply.

The couple looked at each other for a moment.

"Jenny? Are you feeling alright?"

"Yes." She paused a moment. "I am alright." She smiled. Just from that short phrase, Jeff could hear that her whole tone and cadence had shifted.

"Want to hear my Japanese?" she asked. Her delivery stiffer, but it wasn't like it was any difficult understanding her.

"Of course."

Jenny then spoke Japanese, a monologue about something. At least to Jeff's ears, it seemed completely fluent, and reminiscent of anime where some female characters would have an overly cutesy voice. Jeff found that part of anime kind of annoying, but hearing Jenny speak, he found it very endearing. That's right. Jenny had messed with his preferences.

"What you think?" Jenny asked in English.

"I have no idea what you said."

Jenny giggled in response. "What you think about my boobs? They are good size, yes?"

Jeff looked at them. They looked nice, but it's not like he didn't like them before, just that he had a mild preference for slightly larger ones on his girl given the choice. Looking at them now, he admired their pertness. How they added to her youthful physique. They were cute. Jeff was almost disappointed in himself. In some way, this felt like admitting defeat towards Jenny.

"They're very cute."

"Yay!" Jenny clapped, and Jeff felt his heart melt at the sight. "Success!" She cheered.

Jenny then looked behind her. Her discarded clothes, they'd changed. She held up her clothes in awe. The clothes weren't particularly amazing, but it was a sign the reality function had worked. She dressed herself, and Jeff to his dismay, would get a break from admiring his naked Japanese girlfriend.

"Jenny, what're we doing next?" he asked.

She giggled. "Not Jenny. It's Akemi. A-ke-mi."

"Uh, that's your name? Akemi? Am I saying it right? Akemi?"

"Yes! Very good!" she smiled enthusiasticly.

"Alright. Akemi then." Somehow, trying to call Jenny a different name was weird, even after all this.

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