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5. Country Club: What it's like t

4. A Spoiled Wish

3. Found by... Sarah McMillan, wh

2. The next day at school

1. You Are What You Wish

Country Club: What it's like to work in a country club

on 2023-09-28 00:11:38
Episode last modified by Kylo on 2023-09-28 00:12:26

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Jon was working as a server at the club, something that was great if not for the people. Don't get him wrong, some of them were great, generous, interesting people, and he had noticed that those were the ones that actually made themselves the money, maybe it was luck or hard work but since they had gone on the journey to get the money, they seemed to have some respect for it all, it was often the family members that were the spoiled, entitled....he would say problem, but he had been coached by the manager that we didn't have problems, just solutions to needs. The clubs working moto was Creating Positive Memorable Experiences for the members and their guests, which he had noticed often meant creating a negative memorable experience for yourself, plus no tips. Still it was his first job, and he wasn't allowed to quit until at least 6 months, mothers orders, she seemed to think it would build character, but also she hoped he might make a connection that would help in the future, as she didn't have the means to be more helpful herself and while Jon wasn't thinking about College and work yet, Linda his mother most certainly was already worrying about it.

The work itself was fine, he got to meet a famous QB from the local team, saw a senator at one point, and its not like being a server didn't mean he didn't get to flirt with rich cute girls that came in a little, that was fun in it's own right, even if he never stood a chance with them, it was still fun. There was really only one family he dreaded, one family that made him really want to get out of there and it was of course the McMillans. Richard the father was almost never in the club house, he'd hang out in the men's grill or on the course and you could tell he saw the family part of his life as this sort of side project he had lost some interest in while he was busy making money and playing golf, it was something he was funding, he wanted to see it do well, but if it didn't he was confident in other opportunities. Jon was deeply intimidated by the man, he didn't understand how someone could have what he did, an attractive wife and daughter and all the money in the world and seem not to care when he was spending time with them. It was also the only time Jon ever saw Sarah be quiet.

Sarah had decided to play the part of the prettiest princess for her daddy, which meant being head cheerleader, dating the quarterback, leading the popular girls, throwing parties, and being super hot and rich. The thing that Jon never got was that in order to earn everything she was given, and she had been given everything, she felt it important that she be perfect, better than everyone around her, and while her mom had certainly helped with that idea in her mind, life in a country club really had helped her own the idea. So when Sarah saw Jon, who she knew from School of all places, serving her, well, she couldn't let Jon hear the end of it. She treated him like a servant, not just at the club, where it was kind of his job, but also at school, she used it as a way to make herself look better, while making Jon feel smaller, and there is nothing he hated more than that. What's worse is when she would frame it like she was flirting, turning his own charm against him. She knew she was a thoroughbred and she was intent on making him feel like a donkey in the sweetest of ways. The worst part was, there was no way you couldn't look at Sarah and not think, wow, she's gorgeous, and she had enough confidence and charm that when she was being a bitch, people just didn't seem to care, and despite his pride, he still had the same crush on her that all guys did.

Finally there was Susan, her mother, the same age as his mom and yet looking 10 years younger, there are a lot of rich wives who are still living like they did in college, at least when they are at the club, but Susan took the job of being a rich wife seriously. The most amazing and sort of creepy thing about her was her posture which was always razor straight, her clothing was always pressed, fashionable and tailored and it always fit her exactly. Knowing her gave Jon some insight into Sarah, for it seemed that Susan only wanted one thing and it was perfection. This made her the hardest person to serve as if any one thing that could go wrong did, you would get the annoyed glare, and then the resigned "no, it's fine". She would never be outwardly mean, that would be improper, but the feeling of someone like her not liking you was like knowing you had lost favor with the queen, you feared for your head. Susan's life worked like clock work, she kept in shape, made sure her golf and tennis skills were top notch, would host lunches with friends, and would drink exact amounts of Sav Blanc when she did. She actually did have a job, she sold high end real estate, but you would never know it from how she spent her time. The only thing that made sense about her and Richard when they were together was that they were both Sharks, they seemed to run the family like a joint venture, and it would make sense to him if it seemed to make anyone happy, but it was so rare to see them smile.

So you can imagine Jon's surprise, when Susan came to lunch, with his mother, and Sarah in tow.

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