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38. Jo heads to the machine room

37. Jo studies her new body

36. Jo wresltes with the fallout o

35. Jon continues to hang out in t

34. Jon hurries off to the steam r

33. Jon heads back to the locker r

32. Jon tests his body on the stat

31. Jon heads over to the stationa

30. Jon eye's accidently linger on

29. Jon investigates his new memor

28. Jon continues to watch the pai

27. Jon picks his first target

26. Jon encounters a man and woman

25. Jon heads into the women's loc

24. Jon talks his way into the gym

23. Jon gathers supplies for tomor

22. Jon tries to control what he t

21. Jon finds a secondhand store

20. Jon gets the security guard's

19. Jon gets stopped by a security

Teach You Not To Look: Back on the Hunt

avatar on 2023-09-22 05:36:54
Episode last modified by ThisIsNoOne on 2023-09-22 09:41:06

1616 hits, 207 views, 7 upvotes.


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”Cardio room... Free weight room... Or machine room...” Jo debated as she pulled her moist hair back into a ponytail. ”I wish I had a coin to flip...” Jo tossed her ponytail over her shoulder and looked down at her body. The clothes she had worn earlier in the gym had adapted to her new reality, and now fit her slim body perfectly. ”The cardio room won’t do this time..” Jo let out a sigh as she stared at her legs. ”I need more muscle mass if I am going to ride all the way back to Lake Point...” Jo snatched her duffle bag off the bench and tossed it back into her locker. Softly closing the locker door, Jo walked over to the mirror for one last check before she ventured back into the gym. ”The free weight room is going to be too dangerous.” Jo thought as she looked over her body. Her long legs looked even more slender than before now that she had swapped her workout shorts for the volleyball shorts that she had found earlier. ”These girls need muscle, but they don’t need to be body builder legs...” Jo let out a sigh and dropped her gaze to the floor. ”I guess machine room it is.” She told herself as she snaked her way back out of the locker room.

Back in the main hallway that bisected the ground floor of the gym, Jo spotted the closest door into the machine room. ”The coast looks mostly clear.” Jo told herself as her gaze returned to the floor. There were a handful of men and women mulling about further down the hallway, but there was no one between Jo and the door she had spotted ”GO! GO! GO!” Jo told herself as she hustled towards the door.

Pushing the machine room door open Jo felt a blast of cool air hit her body. ”Oof...” Jo thought as a shiver ran down her spine. Still looking at the ground, Jo’s ears filled with the familiar sound of plates slapping against one another. ”Sounds just like the rec center...” Jo smiled and looked up to quickly take stock of the room layout. ”Of course...” She looked back down at the ground and internally groaned realizing that she had walked into the upper body area of the room. The machines for lower body exercises were at the far end of the room and the room was teaming with people. ”Damn it...” Jo looked up one more time to confirm her fears. ”I’ve got go all the way down there...”

Before Jo could drop her gaze back to the floor a man in his 40s caught her eye. He was doing chest flys on a machine a few yards away, and he seemed to be undressing Jo with his eyes. ”Fucking cerep!” Jo grimaced as she stared at the floor. ”I don’t need some old guy eye fucking me right now.” Jo thought as she hurried towards the other end of the room where the leg machines were located. ”Jon’s lucky he never had to deal with shit like this.” Jo told her self as her stomach began to churn. The man’s unsettling stare had made Jo feel self conscious and uncomfortable, which was something that the original Jon had never experienced. ”TWAT!!!” She screamed in her head glancing over her shoulder at the man who was still leering at her. ”I wish all men could experience what this feels like!” Jo fumed in her head.

Turning her back on the creepy guy, Jo looked up and quickly took in her surroundings. To her right were several leg press machines, which faced several leg extension machines to Jo’s left. Behind the leg extension machines were leg curl machines, a walkway, and a wall of abductor machines. ”Of course I know what those are.” Jo internally chuckled at the abductor machines that she recognized from the university rec center. ”I guess all those trips to the gym are paying off in a new way...” Jo glanced to her right at the empty leg press machine that she stood in front of. ”This should give me a perfect view of the rest of the machines.” Jo thought as she stepped over to the leg press machine and adjusted the seat.

”I should start easy and hope some one comes by with legs worth getting...” Jo moved the pin to 35lbs, sat down, and began doing super light leg presses with her head down. ”1, 2, 3...” Jo’s internal monologue began to count off the reps. After hitting 50 reps, Jo glanced around the machine room for a suitable target. “Nothing yet...” Jo mumbled stepping off the machine. Attempting to kill some time, Jo began stretching next to the leg press machine before starting her next set of 50. ”Come on... Where’s the college athletes at?” Jo whined to herself as she once again glanced around the machine room. While there were plenty of women working out in the machine room, Jo was struggling to spot the perfect set of legs for her. ”... 48.. I think... 49. 50. Close enough.” Jo told herself as she once again hopped off the machine to do a bit of stretching before her third set.

Sitting back down on the machine Jo began knocking out reps with her eyes fixed on her feet. ”25. 26. 27...” The sound of the entrance door on the leg press end of the room opening caught Jo’s attention. ”25.. No 30. 31.” Jo stopped counting when she caught sight of a pair of ponytails entering the machine room. Though the two women were obscured by the various leg machines between her and the entrance door, Jo had a good feeling about this pair. Turning her attention back to her feet, Jo continued to knock out reps as she waited for her potential targets to come closer. ”Wait... Where did they..” Jo glanced up to look for the pair of women. ”O MY GOD YES!!!!” Jo’s inner monologue squealed seeing the two women now standing by the leg curl machine just behind the leg extension machine in front of her. ”Okay play it cool...” Jo told herself as she continued doing reps for the sake of looking busy.

As Jo continued to knock out rep after rep, she stole several more glances at the ponytail duo that looked to be setting up shop on the leg curl machine. ”Perfect!” Jo bit her lip in anticipation. ”Now how can I get a better view of them?” Jo asked herself. The leg extension machine in front of her was obscuring her view of the two women, and as the taller of the two women hopped on the leg curl machine Jo was beginning to grow frustrated. ”Crap... What if I go to... Wait?.. No fucking way...” Jo’s eyes widened as the shorter of the two women squeezed between the machines and began adjusting the leg extension machine in front of Jo. ”O my god...” Jo quickly glanced at the short woman’s thick muscular legs. ”THEY’RE PERFECT!” Jo exclaimed in her head as she continued to steal glances at the women’s short muscular legs. ”For the love of god, give me those thick powerful legs!!!” Jo cried out in her head as she watched the woman sit down and begin knocking out reps.

Jo was mesmerized by the women’s powerful legs as she effortlessly knocked out rep after rep on the leg extension machine. ”Please, please, please give me those legs!” Jo thought as she stepped off the leg press machine to briefly stretch. The woman did a couple more reps before letting the plates clink down and looking up at Jo. The two made brief eye contact before the woman reached down and moved the pin a couple plates lower. ”She’s so fricken strong... Those legs are so powerful... Please please please give me those legs!!!” Jo thought as she sat back down on the leg press machine and began another set.

”1. 2. 3. 4...” Jo closed her eyes and began counting out the reps as she eagerly waited for Sarah’s curse to kick in. ”30. 31... Ouch!” Jo stopped when her calf seemed to cramp up on her. Opening her eyes Jo looked down to see her once long slim legs were growing thicker and shorter. ”Shit!” Jo wanted to smack herself for focusing on the woman’s entire legs and not just their muscularity. ”I just wanted the muscle...” Jo mentally sighed and returned to doing reps as she watched her legs shorten and develop thick cords of muscle. ”50...” Jo hopped off the leg press machine and tugged on her spandex shorts which were riding up into her crotch due to her new meaty thighs. ”I guess it could be worse...” Jo thought as she began to stretch facing away from the short blonde woman.

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