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392. Workload

391. A Tribunal

390. Losing

389. Breeding

388. Possibility

387. 09-003

386. Retrieval

385. Distraction

384. Challenge

383. Retardation

382. Survivor

381. Going In

380. Ending It

379. The Alarm

378. Clearing

377. The Curfew

376. Hostility

375. Researchers

374. Commados

373. Loadouts

Division of Labor

avatar on 2023-09-05 22:37:11

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Since the whole point of a coalition was to join together to pool resources into making a XX-frame that could open a portal in space for their fleets to arrive, all the clans were in agreement that they should begin as soon as possible. It passed in the coalition vote unanimously. We had to go through some difficult missions in order for the blueprints for the XX-frames to be given as rewards. We had done a whole lot earlier, but the big tech to continue with the research was hard locked by the game. We would need to wait until the first blueprint piece dropped. Then we could move on. The whole point of a coalition was that each transmission hub would contribute. Just like X-frames, the XX-frames had many parts. There were the general plans, the systems, neurooptics and the chassis. We also had to do the cockpit and the power core for the XX-frame. On top of that would be at least 2 AEP unit pilots per each XX-frame. Even if PBJ Clan contributed something, all of the work would be attributed to Cold Clan. It was too late to get credit. I was taken out of my position as chief of security.

Everyone knew it was us that got them through the trials so far. Being betrayed like this really sucked. I had the egg on my face. Since we did not want to wait forever, we would continue the research in our labs when it was available. I was not hopeful that Cold Clan was going to be giving us the missions or resources needed to get those blueprints anytime soon. That being said, if we did, it would be easy for us to blow through the research. Every clan was told to research a part of the big XX-frame. The last 3 clans would be chosen to pick out pilots among their number of AEP units. The ninth clan needed to construct the massive hangar to house them until launch. That was the most dangerous. We had the government and Players on high alert. Especially with the big trial going on. This would not be able to go under the radar. I would not want to be in that position. We were dismissed to work on it. When we got back home, we had nothing. Wendy came out the PEP lab. She wanted to bring us there to show us something. On the whiteboard was the blueprints for a 04F model.

I stood corrected. As a coalition, vassals got the blueprints to represent the transmission hub in a better light. Cold Clan had both for half the price. The others would also have vassals that would get them since they had labs. It was not out of our price range, even at full price. It was still nice to have though. 2 weeks later, and we were still without any direction on what to do. Because of the imperial nature of Cold Clan, they assigned a pair of random clans, Niko, Keith and us to get all of this together for them. We were put on notice in a big group call. They did not fully trust the the others to keep their word. It was going to take us some real time. We each had our own responsibilities to attend to. Being honest, I did not want to be taken for granted either. Just like Cold Clan, we in PBJ Clan were skeptical about this. I had already been striped of my position. They did not want humans to have any influence on what the coalition was doing. We were going to try our best to try and make at least one pair of the XX-frames on our own. There were 10 components to get this done. I looked at 09-003.

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