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391. A Tribunal

390. Losing

389. Breeding

388. Possibility

387. 09-003

386. Retrieval

385. Distraction

384. Challenge

383. Retardation

382. Survivor

381. Going In

380. Ending It

379. The Alarm

378. Clearing

377. The Curfew

376. Hostility

375. Researchers

374. Commados

373. Loadouts

372. Representatives

Third Coalition Meeting

avatar on 2023-09-05 22:34:28

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Eventually, we decided to throw a third meeting immediately. We had to hammer out the duties between each member clan. The coalition could make their final vote on a course of action then. It would begin whenever all the constituent clans could get there. I had a bad really feeling about this meeting. I called the head researcher again and told him to get down to the club as soon as possible. I did the same with Marion, Nancy and Terrance. They could give me more of an insight on what was going on here. "We've captured 3 AEP units and the leader of a cyborg safehouse. That is more than enough to show the public what is going on." Terrance said. It seemed like he actually agreed with the general's decision. Nancy added "Aside from Tommy, all of them are Conquerors that want to take over the continent. The people have a right to know this." It had been announced that all of them would have the chance to either defend themselves in front of the tribunal or have legal representation. It was all a big farce. Who would actually agree to take a cyborg on as their client? Tommy had Sonic Clan.

That was it though. Even then, would the tribunal even believe him when he told them the truth. Would they care? We hurried down to the club to make sure we got there in time. There were lots of humans here for the meeting this time. Not all of them could make it before the doors were sealed. Marion was the only investigator here. The head researcher was there among his colleagues. The hackers were here as well. They must have had a direct link to all of Sonic Clan's communications somehow. The meeting started when the last clan, Magnetic, arrived. They argued amongst themselves for a bit. Some wanted to rescue them all. Others wanted to see all of them get executed. Sonic Clan certainly wanted to help Tommy. I raised my hand and said "Can't we send a lawyer to Tommy? You guys are all cyborgs. Can't you guys download the lawbooks and use them to argue from? Tommy is one of us, so we should do what we can to finally bring him home." Hopefully that swayed some opinion favorably. I wanted Tommy to get released from custody. Sonic Clan proposed a new vote on it. They won.

A PEA unit with a proficiency in law and public speaking would be recruited to serve as Tommy's lawyer. It was important it was not a PEP unit. We did not want them all compromised by salt water. It was then that Sonic Clan put forward a motion to strip me of the title of chief of security. They said they did not think it wise to let humans have positions of influence over the decision making of the coalition. Cold Clan was quick to second the motion. I just seethed as the motion passed. The Researcher faction and Sonic Clan voted me out. I sighed. That was that. I had been outplayed and now I was being discarded. Marion looked at me before shaking his head. There was nothing any human could do. The head researcher's phone began to ring. Everyone looked at him. "It's the general!" he said in shock. "Put it on speakerphone!" the leader of Sonic Clan said. The head researcher did as he was told. "Hello. Did you get to the big meeting in time?" the general's voice asked. "Y-yes I did. We-we're on speakerphone." the head researcher said nervously. "Good. I only have to say it all once then."

He was certainly bold speaking to us like that from far away. To be fair, he was not a cowardly man or one that sugar coated anything. He'd probably have the very same attitude if he was with us. "Now that we have these cyborg prisoners, we will be holding a trial for the whole continent to see. I understand that there are still Conquerors to deal with, so I am willing to make you a deal. If you participate as witnesses against the accused, you will all have immunity from being prosecuted for the crimes committed to get to this point." The leader of Sonic Clan said "You have a member of our clan among your prisoners. Allow him to go free and we will agree to vote on those terms." He chuckled. "Sure. He'll be the exception that proves the rule. Everyone deserves to know the whole truth. If you can prove that he is innocent, he can go free." "We will be sending him a lawyer." she told him. "It is fine with me. I'll be waiting for them to arrive." The general then hung up. Cold Clan then proposed to divide the responsibilities for the coalition. "We are all way falling behind. We have to be bolder here."

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