“Yeah, Sarah said that she saw you two at the mall last night.” Melissa told him. “So quit playing around. How did it go?”
Lucy Corinth turned to Melissa with a shrug of her shoulders. "We can always just wish it out of him."
Jon's blood ran cold. "What did you just say?"
"We can use your wishing stone," Lucy clarified. "You brought it, didn't you? You said you would!"
"I- I didn't bring it." Jon was suddenly very thankful for this foresight as his mind raced. If he and Tiffany truly were swapping, and if they had swapped friends, then it made sense that instead of telling his friend Karyn about the stone, he'd tell Tiffany's friends Melissa, Lucy, and Melony. But what did that mean? Could he trust them? What kind of world was Jon living in now? Who knew what kind of danger he'd be in if--
Lucy's agile hand shot into the open pink leather backpack sitting at Jon's feet and produced a small reddish stone. "Come on Jon, I know you better than that." Lucy giggled as Jon's face went sheet-white. "Now I wish you'd tell us all about what you did with Steve last night."