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63. Win Fight

62. Combatants

61. Taunting

60. New Mission

59. Shinobi Stuff

58. The Tasks

57. Lacking

56. Returning

55. Refuse

54. Devil's Offer

53. Rokuro's Turn

52. Total Defeat

51. Fighting Spirit

50. Eiko Vs. E-san

49. Keisuke's Round

48. Devil Team

47. Second Stage

46. Meeting Suzie

45. Passing Easily

44. First Stage

Clan Safehouse

avatar on 2023-07-21 09:27:59

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Fighting was not something that I would ever shy away from. I was strong and now fortified with multiple jutsus to dominate competition. Masaru, Izayoi, Jun and Akira in combat were not slouches either. Keisuke really was a bit conflicted. It was a 6 on 5, so we had the advantage. However, that was not insurmountable in theory. To even further overwhelm them with numbers, we all used Blood Clone Jutsu. That enraged the Akaime Clan members. It did its job putting them off their game. They hit harder than they normally would, but all of their accuracy went down a bit. It made it easier to dodge and counterattack them. Clones were able to take most of that damage. All of us were doing well. When we got them down to critical health, we put our lethal weapons away and moved in. It was time to bring them down now. Our mission was to capture the prisoners and find out what we can about their village and the location of their secret jutsu. Blood Recollection Jutsu came to mind. That looked like a really big one. If we took it, we could dominate this region. It was their fault they started this war.

Bringing them to the secret location was fine. There was no way that we could bring them to the main village. Kazuya was hidden in a random shed in the woods. It was on their territory, but where prying eyes would not be able to figure anything out. Our safehouse was the same way. It was guarded by a pair of jounin members. That was all the involvement I wanted with this. Mind breaking prisoners was not something that I wanted to do. When we got the information from them, we all could mobilize towards a big assault on their clan. We could also expect them to make our tasks in the region harder. Being as my wedding preparations had to be done in the region, it was a bit concerning for me. I finished all of the extra invitations. We just had to send them out. I asked Keisuke how he was doing helping Akita, Rokuro and Kazuya. It seemed that the venue was a temple in town. It would be in a month. That gave us a firm date at the very least. We could add that to the invitations now. All the sake was being held in a storehouse of the Tekka forge. Keisuke was not going for any stretch goals.

The food was perishable so it could only be gotten right before the event. Keisuke and Kazuya had put in their order. It seemed that our dual wedding would be relatively prestigious. It was as we were talking about this, I saw a pair of clan members looking very suspicious. They were sneaking around. I pointed it out to Keisuke and he also thought that it was pretty weird. Neither of us could place the identity from the looks alone. To be fair, they all looked similar to me. They were a large family so they all had some resemblance to each other. Even the Tekkas and Kirimes had some similarities to the main Kirume branch. Keisuke was a bit more shrewd with things of this nature as he was native to this world. He also liked to go around and help people when he could. When not looking at his bride to be from afar of course. They were really out of place. Not only were they crouching and hugging close to walls, they were also very careful to not run into other members. Maybe they did not realize we saw them. Maybe they did not care since we were not Kirume Clan members. Still strange.

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