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57. Lacking

56. Returning

55. Refuse

54. Devil's Offer

53. Rokuro's Turn

52. Total Defeat

51. Fighting Spirit

50. Eiko Vs. E-san

49. Keisuke's Round

48. Devil Team

47. Second Stage

46. Meeting Suzie

45. Passing Easily

44. First Stage

43. Chunin Exams

42. Fighting Chihiro

41. Adulthood

40. Chihiro In the House

39. Juro and Akita

38. Waking Up


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Keisuke and I walked to the storeroom. The clan still had not built houses for us like they said they would. I guess that all the wedding proceedings were not as far as we would have liked. I looked around and asked if any of the minor members were doing anything about it. We were both marrying into side branches. Kirime was to the point that it would split off into its own cadet branch of the clan. I did not expect any of the main house members to be on it. Asking around, I was getting more than a bit discouraged from the confused and blank looks I was getting. I was shocked, but pleasantly surprised when we got the answer. I learned that it was a small group on the task to prepare the wedding. Natsuji and Akita of Tekka House were taking point on getting things ready. Rokuro and Goro were working with them. So was Kazuya. The sixth member of the committee was Hinata. It looked like all of our multiple tasks for the clan early on had paid off. We had several allies that would be more than willing to support us if we were ever in trouble with the affairs of the clan. That was good to see.

Since I knew them all closely, I brought Keisuke with me to ask directly. We saw that they were a bit nervous to talk about it. They were trying their best, but they were all pretty young themselves. As I knew before, there were several things that had to be done to get the weddings under way. They were not sure what to do first, so they split up all the tasks among them. Those tasks assignments were: Natsuji on preparing the invitations; Akita on the procurement of the sake for the kagami-biraki; Rokuro on the venue; Goro on the decorations; Kazuya on getting the sushi and the other food for the occasion and Hinata was focused on preparing a suitable room for the consummation ceremony. This committee did not have the backing of others and they had not help. While they were passionate about helping, they were all in over their heads on their tasks. That was causing the delay. I realized Natsuji and Akita being the leaders was weird. Their house only began with the Efude Naderu Yoru. Fumihito did not plan to do anything. He just passed everything off to his 2 grandkids. How shrewd.

I pulled Keisuke aside and explained how I saw it. Keisuke's eyes went wide. "This is an outrage! What can we do!?" he asked. I shrugged. "It is a bit of a low blow, but if we want to get married, we're going to have to help them out. They are the only ones invested enough to try getting it together. If we help them with the tasks, we can get it through. There are 6 tasks so far and 2 of us. We can help out 3 members each with their tasks." He sighed deeply. "I guess we have to. Who is going to help with what?" he asked me. I was not someone who was really interested in the culture. I was sure that Keisuke would be able to help with the invitations. He then looked really embarrassed. "I'm glad that you think so highly of me Nagisa, but I don't know how to read or write." he said as he rubbed the back of his head. I was shocked. That was a big surprise to me. "I guess I will be taking on that task now. You will focus on the sake, food and venue. I can do the consummation ceremony and decorations." I told him. He nodded and we went back to them. They were embarrassed we were helping out.

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