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15. First day of school completed

14. Getting sweaty playing basketb

13. Getting ready for gym class

12. Lunchtime with Karyn

11. A meeting with the principal

10. First class of the day

9. Jon makes it to school

8. Visiting Kelsey

7. Modern technology tells Jon mo

6. Jon searches his room

5. Zoe hasn't changed

4. Zoe Wants to Use the Bathroom

3. jons new body

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

SPM: The Long Walk Home

on 2023-07-10 18:39:16

767 hits, 112 views, 5 upvotes.


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The last class of the day, history, was uneventful. Or, as uneventful as it could be considering the situation. Jon sat in the back of the class not paying too much attention to the course material. The teacher was a woman so nothing new with her. The only interesting thing was that the pictures of historic men in his textbook were different. Napoleon, for example, was shown in the same poses as before but with a woman’s body from the neck down. He was still considered short despite his body being taller in this reality. Eventually, class wrapped up and Jon grabbed his bag and left the room.

Jon’s mind had been racing all day. He was excited to just lock himself in his bedroom, take stock of what changed, and relax. He still wanted to keep up appearances though, so he waited at the school entrance where he usually met up with Karyn to walk home. She was already there waiting for him, and they began to head out.

Karyn and Jon usually walked at a pretty brisk pace, but today Karyn noticed Jon starting to fall behind. His legs were now shorter and he often had to slow down to catch his breath.

“Sorry, Jon-boy.” Karyn said as she slowed down. “I forgot about the new you already. I guess now you know the female form isn’t always all it’s cracked up to be.”

Jon caught his breath. He was really starting to feel bad about his big body. He hated feeling out of shape and insecure. He the began. “It’s really not. I’m honestly starting to regret this one.”

“Don’t say that Jon!” Karyn said with a kind smile. “Tons of boys at school would die to do what you did with Kelsey last night. And besides, you’re smoking hot now. You’ll find a girl in no time.”

Jon smiled and thanked her. In the back of his mind he figured that Karyn was just being a good friend, but it still felt good to hear that. The rest of the walk was filled with little conversation as Jon was still focused on how his new body moved. They then got near Jon’s house.

“I hope you had a good first day in your new body.” Karyn said to Jon. “I’m guessing you still have some exploring to do. And you probably need to buy some new clothes too. You can’t keep coming to school in those girly jeans and lacy shirt. Maybe if you’re really nice your mom will buy you some things.”

Jon’s heart sank when he heard that. He hadn’t even considered his parents. How was he going to explain his new body to them? And how would they take it?

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