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5. The Changes Second Order

4. Familiar-ized

3. Jon sleeps on it.

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Familiar-ized: The Changes Second Order

on 2023-06-25 21:56:55

1595 hits, 205 views, 5 upvotes.

Magic Unaware

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They would eventually have the same basic personalities and lifestyles as the one of other families, while physically (mostly) staying themselves.

Now for the families who would change over the next few days, with reality changing along with them - the Gibson family, as already stated, the Ferguson family (father Roger, mother Laura, daughter Nadine), the Meadows family (father Gary, mother Loraine, sons Biff and Wesley), the Black family (father Benjamin, mother Bethany, daughter Karyn), the Meshida family (father Katashi, mother Kamiko, daughter Yukio), and lastly, the McMillan family (Richard, his wife Susan, and their daughter - the one and only Sarah McMillan herself).

And that was the order...The Gibsons would become like the Fergusons, the Fergusons like the Meadows, the Meadows like the Blacks, the Blacks like the Meshidas, the Meshidas like the McMillans, and the McMillans like the Gibsons.

Now, some of the family sizes of each family did not match. Each family only had one child, except for the Meadows and Gibson families. What would happen to them? Would they swap with their family attributes, or stay with their families and fit into the new family unit?

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